“Early to bed and early to rise.” Sleeping early especially with our favorite TV shows or games unfinished is the worst thing that can happen to children.
Children even blame their parents for reminding them that it’s bed time already. As a consequence, they may display anger or frustration if things don’t fall into places.
The childhood stage is the most crucial phase of any individual, as it is where our motor and intellectual capabilities are being developed. Lack of sleep among children, somehow, may be compared to a plant not nurtured regularly; they bear or manifest abnormal growth and fruits. The same is true with children with lack of sleep, they are unproductive in their day-to-day activities.
But what benefits do children derive from sleeping early? Good physical stability and sharper memory, these are the two most vital benefits of such. Good physical stability, children with sufficient sleep are more productive and energetic.
They can adapt and adjust to a challenging activity since their bodies are conditioned. Sharper memory, because when the brain has sufficient rest, it can produce a clear and sound reasoning, especially during examinations or any activity in the school.
But sleeping early is just not the sole answer, the children should also intake nutritious foods prior of after sleep. Sleeping early is not the parent’s way of limiting the fun in being a kid, it is a way of reminding children that from this point in time, they need to follow the basic things a must child must possess or undergo – being mentally and physically fit.