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· Volume IV Issue III


This study looked into the lived experience of university students’ leadership in the new normal. The research design used was qualitative with phenomenology as an approach. The study explored lived experiences of the university student-leaders in the new normal and how they maintain the intimacy in isolation setting. Using the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, the study generated nine superordinate themes which were the Roller-Coaster and Better Experiences Before the Pandemic, Easier Communication Before the Pandemic, Advantages and Disadvantages of Conducting Activities in an Online Set-up, Constant Communication with the Members, Keeping in Contact through Constant Communication and Social Gathering, Students, Members, Activities, and Experiences before the Pandemic, Optimism, Responsibility, Passion, and Time Management, Constant Communication, Time Scheduling, and Respect, Constant Support, Awareness, Understanding, and Appreciation for the Student-Leader’s Duties, Knowing the Roles and Goals, Having Community Awareness, Responsibility, Optimism, and Consistence, Being Prepared, Trustworthy, and Courageous, Getting Out of the Comfort Zone, and Grabbing Opportunities to be a Student-Leader.

While there are both advantage and disadvantages on becoming university student-leaders in the new normal, it concluded that their experiences were well worth the adversities to support the supreme student council, family of student-leaders and aspiring student-leaders. Their commitment and service to the student bodies enable them to promote positive psychology to the student especially to student who struggle in this transition period for face-to-face to digital platform of programs. As a result of the research, suggested programs for the university student-leaders that may help them in achieving the main goals as they do their duties and responsibilities during and after this pandemic.

Keywords: student-leaders, leadership, new normal, university

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