This study aimed at qualitatively describing the Mother-tongue Instruction in Grade 1 in the public elementary schools, schools division of Abra. It also looked into the different methods used by the grade 1 teachers in teaching mother tongue based- multilingual education, the instructional materials used by the grade 1 teachers teaching mother tongue based- multilingual education,the problems encountered by the grade 1 teachers teaching mother tongue based –multilingual education, the strategies used by grade 1 teachers teaching mother tongue based –multilingual education in dealing with these problems, and the instructional best practices of the grade 1 teachers teaching mother tongue based –multilingual education that are to be sustained and that are to be enhanced. The qualitative method of research was used in this study. This method requires content analysis of the data being obtained from the respondents. This technique enabled the researchers to study human behavior in an indirect method, through an analysis of their communications (Fraenkel et. al., 2002). Observation and personal interview were also conducted in deriving the answers to the problems being raised in the study. Five respondents of the study were selected through random sampling among the five lowland district schools in the Division of Abra. This covered five grade 1 teachers from five central schools among the lowland districts of the Schools Division of Abra. The researcher assumed that the respondents of the study were selected in terms of accessibility and practicality. As such, the respondents were deemed reliable participants since they were well versed and adept on the focus of the study. The primary instrument of the study was the interview guide used in generating the narrative report and answer from the participants. The interview guide was focused on the different methods which the grade 1 teachers use in teaching mother tongue based- multilingual education, the instructional materials used by the grade 1 teachers teaching mother tongue based- multilingual education, the problems encountered by the grade 1 teachers teaching mother tongue based –multilingual education, their suggestion of strategies used by them in teaching mother tongue based –multilingual education in dealing with these problems, and the instructional best practices they employ in teaching mother tongue based –multilingual education that are to be sustained and that are to be enhanced .
Prior to the conduct of the interview, a permit to conduct the study was secured from the Schools Division Superintendent, District Supervisors, and School Heads. The researcher personally conducted the interview with the respondents of the study. The researcher was on guard of any issue regarding the brevity of the study .Proper citing of studies made by authors was also done to acknowledge them. The study was conducted to determine the clarity of each information in the study and for further improvement of any item of the interview guide that needs modification and revision. Respondents were encouraged to engage in the interview by orienting them first on the objectives of the study.
The Data were generated through the use of interview guide and observation. The answers of the respondents using the interview guide were presented through narrative report. This method was subjected to the rigors of analyzing qualitative data and reading the documents (Sanderson, 2004), re-reading the documents, categorizing, and reviewing of each participant’s responses to each of the study’s questions to ensure consistency and brevity. Direct quotes from the narratives were collated to substantiate the categorized themes of the qualitative answers.
Based on the presentation of the answers and salient findings of the study, the following conclusions were derived; The respondents said that the interfacing of the MTB- MLE curriculum with local competencies is the first method used in the delivery on instruction. Interfacing the cultural elements in specific objectives required the grade 1 teachers to focus on DepED competencies and identified competencies that can be intertwined with the local standards. The utilization of the Iloko as the established regional language is very beneficial method of transmitting knowledge and developing the macro and micro skills of grade students because it serves as a bridge to connect students; prior knowledge with the new lessons .
The respondents agree that the contextualization of the curriculum is a pivotal methodology and an important requirement in the teaching –learning process. The respondents use contextualization as method because majority of the grade 1 teachers are trained on contextualization. They present their lesson in meaningful and relevant context based on previous experiences and real-life situations. The use of story books or stories told in Mother Tongue is an effective method of comprehension development , vocabulary building and inculcation of unique values and traits of the indigenous peoples and learners. Through traditional tales, people express their systems, culture, values, fears, hopes, and dreams. Through a story, Grade 1 pupils experience a vicarious feeling for the past and a oneness with various cultures of the present as they gain insight into the motives and patterns of human behavior. The teaching guides that were designed provided objectives, motive questions and unlocking of difficulties so that pupils will find the lessons meaningful and easier to understand. In order to ensure the quality of their materials, learning resource teacher-developers employ an extensive product development process focused on the needs of the learner. The Schools Division Learning Resource Management System Center lacks the manpower to evaluate first language instructional materials. The respondents felt that training and seminars for teachers must be provided and academic support from specialists on various issues of mother tongue teaching is also a felt requirement . There was an observed difficultly in scope and sequence of phonemes and grammatical particles per language and that the use of orthography is needed, SLAC is an activity held in every school to facilitate learning from the resource speakers from the community, school head or from peer to peer mentoring. It is a holistic mission of today that through training’s and seminars, teachers craft as facilitators of learning in school becomes more prolific to improve every leaner’s knowledge, skills and attitudes for them to be globally competitive. A remedial class is a learner’s opportunity to be provided with technical assistance by his teacher. Another essential practice that has to be sustained is the language mapping process. The development of context-sensitive approach to instruction is to be sustained . Teachers develop language and context-appropriate student texts. They are aware not to simply translate books from one language to another. Stories educate, illustrate, enlighten, and inspire. They give relief from the routine and stimulate the mind. They are a great motivator for teachers as well as for students. Its magic is unique. The storyteller is always a teacher, and the teacher is always a storyteller.
Based on the summary of and conclusions of the study, the following recommendations are offered; Delivering an effective MTB-MLE to all students is a shared responsibility. To achieve success , schools and all levels of government must work together to ensure that every teacher and student has access to a range of high-quality instructional materials. Engaging the elders and culture bearers in matters regarding cultural education and transmission is a must. There is felt need for the DepEd Schools Division of Abra to revisit the IPED framework and discuss the level of accomplishment along with MTB-MLE and contextualization. School Heads are encouraged to conduct school-based initiatives on contextualization. The DepED has to conduct monitoring and evaluation on the effectiveness of the MTB-MLE. Continuous enhancement training is a must for teachers and that the DepEd has to importantly look into this.There must be strengthened partnership between the school and the community. Best practices in MTB-MLE must be sustained and enhanced.
Key Words: teaching MTB-MLE Grade 1