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Arsalan A. Diamaoden

This paper conducted from September to December 2018 Marawi siege has affected a lot of people not only during the siege itself but even after its wake. Thousands of people have lost their homes and other valuable possessions. These people are now called IDPs or internally displaced people. The general purpose of the study was to determine the economic condition of the internally displaced people, specifically those living in Sarimanok tent city.


Specifically, this paper aimed to find answers the socio-economic condition of the internally displaced persons before the Marawi siege, the contributing factors that altered the socio-economic condition of Marawi internally displaced persons at Sarimanok Tent City and the implication from finding of the study.


Based on the findings the identified, (1) 51 out of the 80 respondent or 64% of the respondents’ family heads were the Mothers. (2) Most of the respondents’ family heads were college graduate (29%) and high school graduates (29%); and 15% of them were unschooled or had no formal education. (3) 92% of the reason why the family heads’ were unschooled was due to financial problem. (4) 65% of the respondents owned the house where they lived. (5) 52% of the family heads’ health status was “healthy”. 56% of the family heads had no access to social services. (6) 89% of the family heads had work and 11% have no work. (7) 56% of the reason why the family heads of the respondent had no work was due to retirement; while 44% of the reason was because they cannot find work. (8) 68% of the family heads’ occupation was “merchant”. (9) 45% of the family heads ran family business. (10) 100% of the IDPs received basic needs assistance. (11) The basic needs provided on the IDPs were clothes, medicine, food, kitchen kit, hygiene kit, sleeping kit, and water kit. On the average, 76% of the basic need assistance were from the government and the remaining 24% was from the non-governmental organizations (12) 73% of the respondents receive food pack every 15 days. (13) 98 % of the respondent received financial assistance from government and non-governmental organizations. (14) Out of the 78 people who said they received financial assistance, 79% or 62 people got cash assistance; 72% got cash for work; and 36% received assistance for livelihood. (15) 96% of the respondent received medical assistance from government and non-government organizations. (16) 96% of the respondents received free medical check-up. (17) 66% of the respondents received social services. (18) 18% of the respondents received emergency employment program.


KeywordsSocio-economic condition, Marawi, Internally Displaced Persons, Sarimanok, Tent City site I.