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· Volume IV Issue IV

Green can be meadows or brown can be hills.

Flakes are white and seas are blue

Skies are brightened and never will be darkened

The lies ahead, what lies ahead


The dying of the greens and the reservations of fire

The reddening of the seas and the transitioning of creatures

The gloomy skies and the darkening of the sun

Everything is written because prophecy is fulfilling


Lips are sweet and hearts are hardened

Itching ears too many and minds with power

Knowledge increases but pride of life arises

The way to go, the way to be


Ending atrocities, seeking equalities

Shunning negativity and fostering positivity

Laying down peace and security

That is what we are hearing, seeing and looking


Relationship is mending or totally ending

The blessed hope is coming so we should be willing

Eternity is to be ascertained because it is certain

I am writing for a calling, oh Lord God willing


Before coming to an ending, I have this simple sharing

I pray for healing for all of the foregoing

No matter what orchestration is happening

We ought to be God-fearing


Goodness, boldness, wickedness and unrighteousness

Complexity, perplexity security and sustainability

These are to be dealt accordingly

The lies ahead, what really lies ahead.