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· Volume V Issue I

Our parents are among the most important people in the lives of us, children, what if they leave us so soon? What will happen to our life? Are we able to survive the world of actuality or it is also the end of our borrowed life?

Let us witness the story of Eitan at an early age, the fate challenged him, and how he faithfully surpassed the reality of life.

It was past noon time, most people in Manila were taking their afternoon naps, but some children of Sta. Ana were working and playing on the streets. A six-year old Eitan was just coming home from his work. The boy walked as fast as he could, so the hot cement road would not burn his bare feet. As he was about to enter the house, Eitan heard someone calling his name. He turned his head and saw his friends Simon and Samuel running towards him, "What is it?" he asked in confusion. "Today is the first day of December and tonight is the starting day of Caroling, Christmas is near!" Simon answered with a smile on his face. "We're going to sing around the Barangay, can you join us?" he invited. "I'd like to!" Eitan said. "Good! We will sing with accompaniment of my drums and Samuel's guitar." Simon said. "Wait! Are you all available today to practice our Christmas Songs?" Samuel added. "I can't do it now, I'm sorry!" Eitan said with a low voice. "My mother is sick. I've got to see if she needs any of my help for now." he added, then quickly walked to enter the house.

Their house was made of an old stone and brick, built around more than hundred years ago, during the Spanish Occupation in the Philippines. The infrastructure used to be the tobacco factories. Today, it was a shelter for port workers, merchants, and fishermen living together with their families.

As he entered the house, Eitan immediately ate his food in silence, so he will not disturb his mother's nap, as soon as he finished his meal, he laid down beside her, but his mother woke up "Why are you here?" she asked while trying to get up on their bed. "Aren’t you heading to your catechism class?" her mother asked in confusion. "I'm not going today Nanay, I want to help you recovering, you're too sick and I don’t want to leave you with that situation." Eitan replied. "No! you must go! I want you to learn a lot about the word of God at your young age." his Nanay said while preparing his rosary then sending him to go.

Eitan's father worked on the docks. Unfortunately, he passed away by an accident and left when Eitan was only four years old. Feared of what will happen to their future, her mother was forced to accept cleaning and washing jobs in order to survive and support his only son. As the days passed by, his mother’s health had worsened, Eitan had left no choice, but to become an errand boy at the dockyards.

To support their daily needs, most of the time, Eitan spent the day with his mother's employers at harbor where American vessels stationed. The captain of the American fishing boats would not let Eitan work for a wage, his conscience will not tolerate this action of letting a six-year old work for him. Instead, he gave him the extra fish that had been caught, sell it, so he can run errands. Eitan was so thankful to the American Captain for helping him. He shared this story with his mother: “He was so generous to us my son, always saying thank you to him every time he gave us a fish.” he nodded. They were so happy, since Eitan returned home with a handful of fish. His mother whispers “God is so good to us, He never leaves us, His help came in any form.” Eitan heard what his mother said and smiled.

Eitan began to wonder what to do with the increasing number of fishes he brought home. He went to the market and he saw his mother buying vegetables and meat outside the building. "Things outside the market were way cheaper, the sidewalk vendors did not pay for the space they occupied." he said while looking around. When they went home, he saw the extra fish on their small table and decided to dry under the heat of the sun.

The following day, Eitan decided to try selling dried fish on the sidewalk. He spent some time observing other sellers' work practices to catch the attention of the merchants, and suddenly his voice quickly became part of the market noise. As the merchants walked towards the market entrance, Eitan waved pieces of his dried fish and yelled, "Ginong! Ginang! Ginoo! Binibini! Buy my dried fish at a very low price!". It caught the attention of the people, "How much is it?" someone asked him, "Whatever you wish to pay!" he quickly answered.

All of his dried fish were sold, Eitan delightedly ran home clutching his heavy pockets full of coins, while wearing the fish basket as a helmet. As soon as he entered the house, it was a perfect silence, then he saw his mother unconscious lying on the floor, heart beating fast, he immediately ran to her mother. "Nanay! Nanay! Please wake up!" He yelled as his tears started to flow on his face. "Please wake up, we're rich now!" while he was pointing to the coins he earned. “I have money now, we can buy delicious food, your medicines, for you to be healthy again, I can also pay our debts, and we can buy anything we want, Please! Nanay, open your eyes! Nanay, please!" He said while continuously flowing his tears, he hugged his mother tight, hoping that his mother would awaken.

Eitan went out of the house reaching for help, running and screaming on the top of his lungs, knowing that his efforts for her mother for them to survive made no sense at all. He had been in vain, he mourned, and his emotions raging from beneath. Later that day, their house was in full light, flowers were placed everywhere, and the candles kindled. Eventually, his friends and neighbors witnessed her mother’s funeral and assisted him in burying her. Eitan felt so hopeless and lonely.

As the day passed by, Eitan began to realize he had still a life to cherish and he felt that his Mother was still guiding and loving even in the afterlife. His relationship with God was also deepened and someone that he can lean on. He decided to continue his life and be stronger.

He worked in the market during the day until night, still selling the dried fish. When he went home, as he laid on bed, closing his eyes, Eitan heard his mother's words in his head. "Every cloud has a silver lining, everything is possible as long as you dream and make that dream come true, but it will become true, when you take one step, then continue!" This made him cry, he misses her mother so much, remembering the days when they were happily planning to make their dreams come to life.

Eitan's business at the market was working out. He sold a lot of dried fish and even made new friends. He also found a new means of earning additional income. He observed that some merchants hired boys to transport their food baskets to their cars from the market entrance. He mentioned it to Simon and Samuel, but they advised him to be careful, some of the helpers were bullies, they might not want any new boys in the area. Out of fear, Eitan approached them and gave the boys some of his dried fish and they suddenly became friends.

He always kept his eyes open for anyone who needed help, especially for older people, because that was what his Nanay always told him. While counting the remaining dried fish that had not been sold, he saw an old man struggling with his belongings, so he approached him and offered help. “Thank you so much for helping me young boy!” Don Antonio said. “What is your name? How old are you? You seem so good at helping people?” he praised the young boy. “I’m Eitan and I’m only six years old!” he answered with a smile on his face. The day when Don Antonio and Eitan crossed their paths, they became friends.

Don Antonio always asked Eitan to carry food boxes to his home near the market from now on, though he can, but to help him to earn additional income, he let Eitan do some easy tasks. He frequently forgot to pay Eitan, he would make up for it when he remembered by giving him additional payment more than he owed him, yet as much as he wanted it, Eitan always returned the additional money.

As he earned additional money, he began to enjoy his life temporarily. Since Eitan would have sufficient funds, he will use it to attend school and learn how to read and write, so he can start building his dreams one step at a time.

Since Christmas Eve is coming, Don Antonio invited him to his house. When Eitan was about to enter the house, he held Don Antonio’s hand and put it on his forehead to give respect. “May God be with you, young boy!” Then they walked together to enter the house.

Sitting together on the balcony, seeing busy people working on the dockyards. Suddenly, he asked Eitan questions about him and his family. Eitan started to tell about his mother and father. Don Antonio discovered that he was living on his own. He was pitiful for a six-year-old to live without love, support, and protection. As he observed Eitan's actions as he told his life experiences, he was so calm and he felt the feeling of acceptance of their fate. Dusk came, so Don Antonio invited him to celebrate the Misa de Gallo at his house.

Christmas is the season when Jesus Christ was born. For many Filipinos, it is a season of giving, forgiving, loving, sharing, and thanking the Almighty for all the blessings. Thinking of Eitan’s current situation, he wondered about his schooling, "It is good for a boy to work in the market to be able to survive, however would you like to live here with me? I don't have any children and my wife died a long time ago, I can send you to school and I can pay for your books and the things you need for your school." he offered. In just a small span of time, he knew that Eitan was raised with a good heart. Eitan found it hard to believe, without any hesitation, he accepted the offer. "If you want me too, Don Antonio, I'll be glad to live here. I could help you with the gardening, house cleaning, and I can help you with all I can, as long as I am here." he stated while looking straight into the eyes of Don Antonio that he was so grateful to him. "No! Your job is to study and obey me, as If I were your father – a real father. If you want to help me around the house during school breaks that would be fine, but your priority is to finish your schooling for me, to your parents, and to your dreams." he said with full sincerity. He really wanted to help Eitan to a good future as he really deserved all the good opportunities in life, he suffered enough, and this was the time to enjoy his childhood and make such good memories. Time flew by, Eitan soon learned to read and write.

One day, the youth group at the church decided to raise funds to help buy books for children at the orphanage. Eitan and his friends from the dockyards led the rest of the group in selling newspapers, polishing shoes, and they even sang with the accompaniment of musical instruments in front of many people just to raise the money they needed to help the orphans. His friends were so proud of him as he never forgot to share his blessings to others just like the miracles that happened to his life.

Years had passed, Eitan was already twelve-years old and he graduated from sixth grade. Don Antonio said, "I'm very proud of you, Eitan. Seeing how well you do in school and how you help other people, I have no doubt that you'll be a better person and a leader.” He was so proud and thankful to him that he came to his life and has a purpose to be done. "Thank you so much, Don Antonio! You've been very kind to me." said Eitan while hugging the old man. "Without you, I don't know my life would be now, thank you so much!" he added. Don Antonio hugged Eitan so tightly. He was so happy about Eitan’s accomplishments.

The slum boy was on his way to Junior High School, and stepping to a path of a good future, but neither time nor success had made him forget his mother and father. His faith, courage, and determination had been Eitan's strengths.

When Eitan had available time, he always visited his mother's and father’s graves. He took some cleaning tools, fresh flowers, candles, and offered them a prayer. He believed that his parents in their heavenly home, always watching and guiding, were also proud of him.