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· Volume IV Issue II

The main purpose of the study is to know the effects of texting and chatting messages and writing composition in Filipino of selected Grade 8 Secondary Students in Public and Private school in Nagcarlan District, Nagcarlan, Laguna S.Y. 2015 – 2016. This study was conducted in the public and private secondary schools in Nagcaraln District.

The researcher used the descriptive – survey questionnaire method of research with questionnaire as main tool in collecting and gathering the data.

Results showed that the majority of the respondents are male whose age range from 13 to 14. It can be seen also that mainly owned a mobile phone and has been using it for 1 to 3 years. They also spent the amount of 100 to 200 pesos per month and spent 1 to 3 hours of using their mobile phone. It shows that the respondents are active users of mobile phone.

The repondents always indicate a question mark in asking a question and are also familiar with the usage of exclamation mark and used it in texting or chatting at sometimes frequency.

In terms of variable spelling, the respondents sometimes consider usage and construction of words in writing. On the other hand, in relation to punctuation mark, it is observed that the respondents sometimes use of question mark.

The respondents perform with a very satisfactory performance status in writing composition.

All of the variables investigated bear significance to the extent of texting and chatting except for age.

Only the profile – variable amount of spent is significantly related to spelling as part of writing composition. Also, the profile – variables sex, years of using cellphone, amount of hours spent appeared to be significantly related to the extent of writing composition in terms of the usage of punctuation mark. And only the profile – variable sex is significantly related to writing composition. These denot the male – respondents are more oriented and more gadget explorer discovering its various text features, whereby the product of which led to the constructions of emotions using these marks aside from the functions of it in writing composition.

None of the variables investigated under the writing composition bears any significance to the extent of texting and chatting. All of which have earned p – values of greater than the significance level which has led to the acceptance of the null hypothesis thus making them not significant.

Based on the findings the following conclusions were drawn: None of the variables investigated under the writing composition is significantly related to texting and chatting. All of the variables were treated using the chi-square statistical tool; as a result, they have obtained p-value of 0.4036, 0.5845, 0.6233, 0.0640, 0.7697, 0.2747, 0.1923 and 0.2002 correspondingly, which has directed to the acceptance of the null hypothesis made, thus, making them not significant.

Only the profile – variable sex is significantly related to writing composition which acquired p-values of 0.0037 and a chi-square value of dependence by 11.19. For the forgoing conclusions, the following recommendations are offered: The students should know the functions of not so common punctuation marks to fully-equipped them with its technical usage and should not merely be stock with punctuations that have simple functions. Teachers must design activities that will introduce to the students of the other punctuations essentials to their academic writing. Both parents and teachers should orient the students of their limitations in using their mobile phone and must present the possible effect of it to their compositions skills. The parents should also be supportive and give proper encouragement in writing performance of their children.

The students should see and realize the negative and positive of the text and chat messaging on their academic work. They should practice formal writing. The use of punctuation mark should be observed properly.