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Batangas City Integrated High School


As educators, their aim is to get students energized and engaged in the hands-on learning process. Video is clearly an instructional medium that is compelling and can generate a much greater amount of interest and enjoyment than the more traditional printed material and demonstration method used in teaching rhythmic activities. Using sight and sound, video is the perfect medium for students who are auditory or visual learners. With the added use of subtitles, students then have the choice to watch, listen to or read each presentation.

Video presentation stimulates student’s interest for longer periods of time. It provides an innovative and effective means for educators to address and deliver the required curriculum content specifically in folk dance. Thus, this study is made to measure its effectiveness among Grade 9 students of Batangas National High School.

From the findings of the study, the researcher comes up with the following conclusions: Majority of students can interpret and understand the lesson with the use of video presentation. The students had a very high performance in Waltz and high performance in Cha Cha Cha and Tango. The students appreciate the integration of video presentation in teaching social dance.

In the light of the conclusions, the following recommendations are offered:

The video presentation used in the lesson may be used to enhance more the teaching of social dance. The proposed supplementary activities may be shown to the MAPEH Department Head or to the P.E. Supervisor and other teachers for their suggestions before it could be used. A similar study may be conducted using experimental method to test the reliability and validity of the study.

Keywords: Rhythmic activities, demonstration, recreational dance, interactive instruction, utilize




Physical Education is an integral part of the educational curriculum designed to promote the holistic development of an individual physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, and spiritually through total body movements expressed in properly selected physical activities. With active participation in these activities, students will develop good health and attain high level of physical fitness that enables them to enjoy a good and healthy life. (Acero, 2010).

The Philippines being, an archipelago, is rich with cultures and traditions that make lives of every Filipino colourful. It enjoys a rich cultural heritage which includes a diverse collection of traditional dances. These dances are one of the durable strands interwoven into our life as people that formed the fabric of our culture. Dances that reflect elements of daily Philippine life, these social dances offer a glimpse of the innate beauty and character each Filipino has that despite the situation anyone is into they can enjoy what life has to offer each day with a wide smile and open arms to their fellow men. Hence, it is through dance movements that people can communicate for it has been a strong factor in the expression of one’s soul and character.

It is for this reason why you need to teach social dances to your students because by learning these dances, they will also learn the importance and benefits of recreation, entertainment and socialization through dances. It is also in these dances that they will cultivate better relationship towards another in the society they belong.

According to Cohen (2013), dancing is part of an act of moving the body in rhythm, usually in time with music. People seem to have a natural urge to express their feelings through rhythmic movement. People organize the expressive movements of their bodies into rhythmic and visual patterns. Dancing is both an art and form of recreation. As a form of recreation, dancing has long provided fun, relaxation, and companionship. Today, dancing either at a party or gathering continues to be a very popular way for people to enjoy themselves and make new friends.

Social Dancing have increased in popularity in the Philippines even up to now. It entertains and delight people from all walks of life. Social dance help further build growth and camaraderie. They awaken the love for entertainment and fellow men among students.

Comte (2010) stresses social dance as a genre of dance where in selected social dances from various countries are done by the same dancers, typically as part of a regular recreational dance club, for performances or at other events. These dances are typically considered the products of national or cultural traditions rather than part of an international tradition. International dancers need not be a member of any group. It is done for various purposes, typically for preservation, recreation, or performance. Groups that dance for different purposes tend to do dances differently, and to select different dances.

Recreational dancers select and tend to alter the dances according to their own tastes, and because of the changes that inevitably occur as dances are passed on from one person to the next. Performers typically prefer dramatic, flamboyant, or athletic dances, and they often tend to dance with stylized techniques and exaggerated movements. Dances for performances are usually selected a choreographed for presentation of stage. Nevertheless, there is substantial overlap between the dances done for recreation and performance. Some dancers of both types are often concerned with the preservation of dance for its cultural value.

In teaching various dances, research has demonstrated that the most effective way is to use video as an enhancement to a lesson or unit of study. Video should be used as a facet of instruction along with other resource material available for teaching a particular topic. Teachers should prepare for the use of a video in the classroom in the same way they do with other teaching aids or resources. Specific learning objectives should be determined in advance; instructional sequences should be developed, and reinforcement activities should be planned.

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