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Teachers Mental Health on the Brink


· Volume I Issue IV

It is February this year when the world was shock by the news about a new virus that is said to be was later then named Covid19 that put halt to everything. Businesses suddenly shuts down and schools are closed. Everyone is confined inside the house and been swallowing the fear of getting the diseases suddenly our lives are shifted by 180 degrees. Everyone is living what we called new normal. As educator, we are expected to adapt to the challenge this new set up for us and the tedious pressure it gives to our brain so I have listed some ways to keep our mind out of the brink of insanity.After all we are expected to bring this challenging task enjoyable to our pupils.


Teachers they say are the noblest profession you can find but what other did not know is the pressure every educators’ faces every time urgent reports and deadlines are knocking on their door. Teaching profession is one of those profession who is under the scrutinize eyes of the people. Teachers since time in memorial is expected to act righteously and live a very by the rule lives. Especially people think that they are the key influencer in a child life. However, as time passes by pressure keeps building up that puts educators on the brink of insanity.

Shocking news about teachers who were not able to keep up with the pressure of their profession tends to kill themselves or tend to leave their station to find more appealing jobs on foreign lands that offers twice much of the salary they are having here in the Philippines. But how do we avoid the growing number of frustrated teachers with regards to the profession they oath to love and perform.


Nothing beats a happy environment. A good laugh will not only exercise your facial muscles but will release cortisol and endorphins that won’t just brighten up your gray mood but have several medical benefit like lowering your blood pressure, increased endurance, reduce pain and reduce stress and anxiety. A boisterous laugh is for sure is a must for a teachers and will be a music to the ears of their pupils.


Being organized and systematic is one of the key behavior a successful person possess. You should learn how to maximize and budget your time. Which every teachers know is not an easy way to do because occasionally a knock on your door will tell you there is an urgent report you need to give attention too. Making a schedule and sticking on it is one of the greatest way not to feel so much pressure on your shoulder to the point of insanity.

Listen to Music

A good relaxing music will help you release some stress and have your mind breathe a little. Whether it’s a soft ballad or pop rock or an upbeat sound it doesn’t matter. What matter is the time you are able to breathe and relax a little? Exercising your vocal chords while singing through your heart contents or shaking your body with a very popular dance beat is a way to re-energized yourself for work.

5 Minutes Quite Time

Meditation is one of the most effective way in re-energizing your spirit to work more. 5 minutes sitting in silence inhaling and exhaling deeply and meditating to yourself is a good way to make your blood flows and keep you healthy physically, mentally and spiritually. It’s always good to be with yourself!


Work will soon end, deadlines and reports will soon be finished do not let this pressure took your vigor and enthusiasm in doing the job your dream of. Always remember there is always someone who wants to be on your shoes always be grateful and live your life through your personal goals and vision. A Clear goals means clearer future.

Teaching profession indeed is one of the most demanding profession because you are handling not only lives but also futures of the pupils under your care so maintaining a healthy mind and a positive vibes will imbibes progress not only to yourself but also to the lives of the children who were entrusted to you.