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Camarin D Elementary School Unit II


Interactive tactics are teaching methods that engage the classroom and encourage students and teachers to work together to promote learning. The brain activates students' innate analytical talents, allowing them to use their long-term memory. Literacy is a lifelong continuum of learning and skill in reading, writing Math and transferable skill qualities, such as socio - emotional tools. Reading and writing skills boost a person's likelihood of volunteering, participating in civic activities, and contributing to their community, all of which promote peace, prosperity, and long-term growth. The foundational skills are the most basic and fundamental learning tools. A child's progress is dependent on their ability to read. Learning to write is vital for enhancing your reading skills. Writing is an important job skill that many people today lack. It is the primary benchmark against which one's success in school, the workplace, and society as a whole will be evaluated. We improve our communication and thinking skills via writing.

This study attempted to assess the effectiveness of teacher interactive strategies and foundational skills of learners: basis for proposed development program of selected public elementary schools in Division of Caloocan, Manila and Valenzuela. The considered respondents from the sampling technique of the study were fifteen (15) school heads and 367 teacher respondents with a total sample of 382 respondents.

The majority of teachers are between the ages of 31 and 40. In terms of gender, female school teachers dominated the educational system with 346 out of 367 teacher respondents. However, in terms of length of service, majority of teacher respondents served for less than 5 years which is most of them are newly hired teachers. In addition to having the highest educational attainment, whilst the majority of teacher respondents hold a bachelor's degree holder but there are teacher respondents with master’s unit. In terms of related training, majority of teacher responses attended school training or Learning Action Cell (LAC) session.

The assessment of learners’ foundational skills in terms of the school's literacy skills generally suggests Can Read and Write (CRW), numeracy abilities generally imply Proficient (P), and socio - emotional skills generally indicate Very Good (VG). The assessment of teachers' efficacy in interactive tactics in terms of teaching methodologies, learner engagement, and classroom participation. Based on the data, both groups rate the teaching approaches fairly, with the verbal interpretation as Highly Effective (HE). There is a substantial association between teachers' levels of Effectiveness of Interactive Strategies when grouped by profile, as the null hypothesis is rejected. Since the null hypothesis, there has been a substantial association between teachers' levels of Effectiveness of Interactive Strategies when grouped by profile Is rejected.

The estimated r-values of 0.8701 indicate a substantial link between learners' foundational skills and the effectiveness of teachers' interactive tactics.

The result of the study signifies those interactive strategies of teacher has a big impact in the foundational skills of the learners.

Keywords: Interactive strategies, Foundational skills, socio-emotional skills, metacognitive skills, collaborative learning

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