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· Volume III Issue IV


This study was conducted to do a SWOT analysis of the implementation of printed modular distance learning relative to teaching and learning process, resource management and stakeholders’ participation. Parents, teachers and administrative staff from secondary schools from West district were the respondents. This study covered SY 2021-2022.

This study is qualitative research which used interview as the main tool in getting information and was used in the analysis of the strength, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the printed modular distance learning.

Based on the results of the interview, the respondents believed that printed modular distance learning was good since it did not hamper the education of the learners’ despite of the pandemic. It allows independent learning and take full responsibility of their learning. Moreso, teaching-learning process is also flexible where learners can freely choose the learning tasks to accomplish as long as all the tasks given by the teachers can be submitted on time.

Printed modular distance learning also, as mentioned by one of the teachers, is effective compared to the traditional teaching techniques because learners know their own pace. It also helped teachers and learners to be safe during the time of pandemic since they have less time staying outside. Parents also became the para teachers at home. Bond between them was strengthened.

Opportunities also in the printed modular distance learning also exist. Teachers were able to do multi tasks while waiting for the outputs of the learners. It also ensures educational continuity, as cited by one of the parents. Also, Para teachers, grandparents, cousins and other members of the family were given an opportunity to engage in the teaching-learning process. Self-learning ability was also developed among learners.

Despite of the strengths and opportunities that printed modular distance learning had to offer, still there are lacking in its implementation. One of it, as pointed out by the parents is the mastery of the subject matter due to limited time. Parents also mentioned that it is better if teachers explain the lessons to the learners for mastery.

There was also shortage of modules, thus best scheme like rotation was done by the teachers. Teachers also mentioned that the validity of the learners’ outputs cannot be ensured since learners answered the modules remotely.

Based on the results of the interview, printed modular distance learning has its own strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. It is up to the school to make an action plan on how to address the SWOT analysis.

Keywords: Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, modular, printed

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