The qualitative research study using phenomenological research design aimed to formulate an educational support system plan on the support extended by the external stakeholders on school programs, projects and activities. The data gathering instrument was subjected to face and content validation by a panel of experts. Thematic analysis was utilized for descriptive data analysis. Based on the information gathered during the in-depth interview regarding the support extended by external stakeholders in the implementation of school programs, projects and activities, the subsequent themeswere delineated:
Partnership andJoin and participate. As to how external stakeholders extend support in the implementation of school programs, projects and activities, the analysis revealed: Commitment to serve, Participate in planning and Take on leadership responsibilities. Based on how external stakeholders sustain their support in the implementation of school programs Projects and activities: Work as team, Cooperation and Constant communication were the overarching themes uncovered.
Keywords: Support Extended, External Stakeholders, School Programs, Projects and Activities
Programs, projects and activities (PPAs) are an organization’s means of planning and implementation to meet a certain goal. These activities are normally different in practice but often share subject matter similarities from one another. An organization’s activity may be a basis in the implementation of another organization’s set of specific planned objectives (Ciocon, 2019).
Schools aid in a learner’s acquisition of various skills in the field of socialization, communication and improvement of their academic prowess. More so, schools act as a locusin the deliveryof teaching-learning involvement and reforms linked to the Department of Education. Indeed, the quality improvement of education is not a sole domain of the school. In collaboration are the people who both complement and supplement the other in the fulfillment of all learners desired educational goals.
Thus, school personnel and partners should be advertent to the learners’ welfare and performance. Such groups hold the obligation in being responsive to each learners’ situation. With this positive cooperation, together with the unequivocal communication between the school will garnerresults in the betterment of a learners’ progress and attainment of exemplary academic performance (Torres, 2010).
On the other hand, external stakeholders, teamwork and partnership with the school are the most significant factors on the success implementation of school programs, projects and activities, however, this year’s changing circumstances call for a great flexibility and challenges as learning moves from home to school and back again (Buchanan, 2015).
The events of the Corona Virus have generated much crisis in the ability of learners to study. This warranted teacher to adapt new measures and methods in teaching as well maintaining a strong sense of connection among the community. As this document reiterates, the greatest success stories have come from where parents, teachers, other external stakeholders, have found ways to work together on behalf of children and young people. Fundamentally, to keep learning alive amid a global crisis, teachers, parents and other stakeholders must work together. As the case studies make clear, the best of education is built upon such partnerships (Ferris et al., 2019).
Cole (2019) believed that external stakeholders’ partnership to the school is crucial for learners’ success not only in the classroom but also in life. Perras (2010) believed that external stakeholders are integralcollaborators in education as they influence much of their children’s attitudes and stand to support their learning tasks at home. As they become involved in the life of the school, they place themselves to be involved in all activities of the school to grow and prosper.
As a teacher, this encouraged and motivated me that there is a need to determine the extent of support of external stakeholders in the implementation of schools’ programs, projects and activities as bases for educational support system plan in the schools District of Banate.
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