This qualitative-phenomenological study aimed to determine how students utilized prompt technology apps in their academic work. To gather the necessary data, 20 English major students from the College of Education at PHINMA University of Iloilo were interviewed. The study identified several key themes regarding students’ utilization of prompt technology apps in their academic work. The result revealed that Google, Chatgpt, and Quillbot, are the most frequently utilized apps. The students’ utilized prompt technology apps to assess information in daily basis and improve understanding of complex vocabulary. The challenges encountered of the students are information accuracy and information overload. Students managed these challenges through using different prompt technology app and looking for most reliable source. The researcher suggests that higher education institutions (HEIs) should reevaluate their curricula to include training programs for teachers. These programs would ensure students effectively harness the benefits of prompt technology while maintaining rigorous academic standards.
Keywords: Prompt technology app, Academic work
The rapid advancement of technology has transformed educational practices across the globe. In higher education institutions (HEIs), the integration of technology into academic work has become indispensable. Among the emerging trends is the use of prompt technology applications, tools designed to provide instant responses, assist with idea generation, and streamline academic tasks. These applications have gained traction among students, particularly in disciplines requiring extensive written outputs such as English studies.
English instruction in higher education institutions (HEIs) primarily aims to cultivate students' critical thinking, language proficiency, and communication skills. The emergence of prompt technology applications has introduced new opportunities for students to refine their writing and comprehension abilities, serving as valuable tools for academic growth and skill development. Applications such as Grammarly, ChatGPT, and other AI-driven platforms provide immediate feedback on grammar, structure, and style, helping students produce polished outputs in less time. These tools have been praised for reducing cognitive load and improving students’ confidence in their academic abilities (Dizon, 2021; Wu et al., 2022).
However, the reliance on prompt technology apps has sparked debates among educators. While these tools can be effective for addressing common language challenges, they may inadvertently limit students' ability to engage deeply with academic tasks. Some researchers suggest that overdependence on these technologies may impede the growth of crucial abilities, including critical thinking, creativity, and independent problem-solving (Turnitin, 2023). This issue is particularly significant in English courses, where the authenticity and originality of students’ work are crucial components of learning.
Moreover, the rapid adoption of these tools presents challenges for educators in HEIs. Traditional approaches to teaching and assessment may no longer fully address the evolving needs of digitally empowered students. Educators must explore creative methods to integrate these tools into their teaching approaches, ensuring they enhance rather than substitute the learning experience (Lee & Lai, 2020).
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