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· Volume II Issue II

“Filipinos are pliant like the bamboo tree” – Ismael Mallari, amidst crisis and tough situations Filipinos remain optimistic and strong. There is a great inclination for them to see good in everything, instead of looking for the imperfections of the condition. This tendency enabled them to get through all life’s hurdles in the past decades.

Over the past centuries, Filipinos have been through a lot of gigantic waves that tested their resiliency. Philippines survived all kinds of turmoil that anyone on earth can ever think of. First, when other countries sought to increase in glory, to propagate Christianity, and to establish greater wealth and as a result of these intentions, Filipino people were greatly afflicted by these colonizers, and they were put in the middle of extensive and horrible wars between nations, many people had sacrificed their lives, families were broken, children lost their loved ones, others have experienced being tortured, abused and many were unfortunately killed. Their control over their nation, their lives, and even their own freedom was taken away from them making them slaves of these foreign countries thus adding more struggles in the lives of every Filipino.

Second, Filipinos were not only tested by bullets, swords, and bombs, for they are not excused from the test of huge natural catastrophes that swept away resources, flooded houses, and drowned thousands of lives. This kind of calamity had continuously put the lives of the Filipinos in great devastation up until now. Each year, they must face a series of nature’s test that pushes them to weather the storms.

Lastly, in this current year Philippines like the other countries around the globe is confronting an enormous threat to the lives, health, and resources of every citizen. This pandemic brought by COVID – 19, had significantly affected and tested the strength, hope, and resilience of the entire country. This outbreak had put the country into a state of calamity, establishments were compelled to temporarily stop operations, tourism has been shut down, and many people totally lost their jobs, if not working hours and pay was lessened and still others were pressed to take unpaid leave. Lots of families are confined in their homes with uncertainties where to get food to serve on their tables, social activities that most people do to unload stress from work and, other stuff also become limited. Just to mention a few of the effects of this unprecedented time. But none of these misfortunes have taken the wind out of their sails instead, they continued to stand, to become stronger and more resilient after each fall. They used their ill-fated experiences to be better, to be wealthier in experience and to be more ready in the future endeavors. And though they have encountered different challenges, they remained a fighter, and they still manage to face life with head held high. No matter how many times they come across life’s battles, they continue to be a happy living individual who never loses his hope and belief that a ray of sunshine will still unfold at the end of the day. Every trial that they faced did not bring them down but rekindled their spirit of resilience and camaraderie.

Today as they are facing this challenge brought by this unseen enemy, everyone can see how heroes emerge among them, how they bent down so that they will not be left broken. In spite the threat of acquiring this infectious disease many are still devoted in helping and sacrificing their own their lives for the service and support for their fellow Filipino people. And for those who lost their jobs they started to build small businesses through Facebook and other online platforms. Creativity and innovations started to revitalize among them so that they can still make a living. Even if majority lost their income, this still did not outnumber those people who have a gentle and willing heart to help and extend arms for the needy. Tons of necessities were packed and sent right at the doorsteps of these unfortunate fellow. And everyone is still fighting, moving forward, and believing that life must go on. They are may be in a tight spot at this moment, but their faces and smiles say there is always hope and they can be able to survive all of these just like how they have survived the past adversities. Their resilience amidst crisis and adversity is anchored on their great faith in God and this has always been their fuel to carry on with life no matter how rocky and shaky the road may turn.

As expressed, Filipino people never lose their joy amidst difficulty for their eyes know exactly what to look upon in times of crisis and this is not what is wrong but what is great, not what is miserable but what is beautiful. As written by Ismael Mallari, Filipinos are indeed pliant like the bamboo tree who knows how to bend, how to yield when wind of life comes and finally knows how to stand still in all its beauty and grace.