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PROJECT LARO (Learning Arithmetic Using Real Objects):





· Volume IV Issue IV


This action research project aims to investigate the effectiveness of using manipulatives in the process of learning arithmetic. The study recognizes the potential of play as a powerful tool for engaging students and fostering a deep understanding of mathematical concepts. The research seeks to explore the impact of incorporating manipulatives into arithmetic instruction, examining how this approach can enhance student learning and academic achievement.

The project adopts a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative and quantitative data collection methods. The qualitative component involves classroom observations, interviews, and student reflections, aiming to gain insights into students' experiences and attitudes towards using manipulatives during arithmetic lessons. The quantitative aspect employs pre- and post-assessments to measure changes in students' arithmetic skills and conceptual understanding after the introduction of manipulatives.

By implementing various manipulative materials, such as blocks, counters, and number lines, play and songs, the study intends to create an interactive and hands-on learning environment. This approach aims to facilitate students' active participation, exploration, and experimentation, ultimately promoting a deeper comprehension of arithmetic principles and operations.

The findings of this research project have the potential to contribute to the field of Mathematics education by highlighting the benefits of integrating manipulatives into arithmetic instruction. The outcomes will inform educators and curriculum developers about effective strategies to improve arithmetic learning outcomes and promote a positive attitude towards mathematics among students. Additionally, the study intends to provide valuable insights into the importance of play-based approaches in the teaching and learning of Mathematics, emphasizing the significance of engaging and enjoyable learning experiences for students' academic growth.

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