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Immaculate Conception Parochial School


This qualitative phenomenological study was conducted to find out the practices, implementation, challenges, and coping strategies in teaching reading of seven (7) kindergarten teachers from three (3) private schools in the Municipality of Oton as bases for a teacher-training enhancement program. The private schools’ practices in teaching reading in kindergarten were: employing phonemic awareness, integrating guided to independent reading approach, and utilizing interactive read-aloud tasks. Kindergarten reading is implemented by means of: embedding reading in the school’s curriculum, conducting remedial reading tutorials, and incorporating creative reading materials. The challenges encountered were: some learners did not have phonemic awareness, learners had different levels of reading readiness, learners had short attention span, and some learners had disruptive behavior. The coping strategies were: integrating creative and engaging activities, adapting differentiated classroom instruction, and infusing teachers’ love and passion for teaching.

Keywords: Private Schools, Kindergarten, Teaching Reading, Teachers, Practices, Implementation, Challenges, Coping Strategies, Teacher-Training Enhancement Program


Background of the Study

The education that occurs in early childhood stage is crucial for establishing a solid basis for a child's achievements in academics. Among the crucial skills that must be developed during this stage, reading holds a paramount position.

Reading is a receptive language process that involves recognizing, interpreting, and perceiving written materials. Proficiency in reading is crucial for accurately and efficiently understanding texts and is vital across all professional fields (Baecker, 2014). In today's world, where reading is fundamental to communication, managing learning without it is challenging.

Reading is a fundamental skill in education, and nearly all academic success relies on reading proficiency to varying degrees. Reading allows individuals to gain fresh insights, appreciate literary works, and manage daily tasks that are essential in contemporary life, including reading newspapers, job listings, instruction guides, and comprehending signs and announcements, among others.

Teaching reading and effectively learning how to read are important educational goals. In reading instruction, it is the teacher's duty to inspire students to engage with reading by choosing or developing suitable texts, creating effective reading assignments, establishing efficient classroom processes, promoting analytical reading, and fostering a nurturing atmosphere for reading practice. During the process, the teacher must also take into account the different types of learners and their individual needs.

The Division of Iloilo, specifically the Municipality of Oton, is faced with multifarious challenges in the teaching of reading in the kindergarten. Teachers as facilitators of the early stages of reading development in early childhood are experiencing varied problems especially the integration of reading readiness skills with instructional materials and aligning them with the competencies for kindergarten as required in the K-12 curriculum.

In the past few years, there has been an increased emphasis on refining and enhancing teaching practices in kindergarten, particularly in the domain of reading. Studies suggest that the early years are a sensitive period for language development, making it an opportune time to instill strong reading skills. Consequently, educators are faced with challenges of identifying and implementing effective teaching practices to ensure optimal reading development in kindergartners.

This study aimed at analyzing the landscape of teaching beginning reading in kindergarten by determining the practices, implementation, challenges, and coping strategies encountered by the facilitators of learning in private schools in the District of Oton. It also designed a teacher-training enhancement program as a result of the study. The study explored the multifaceted aspects of teaching reading for kindergarten, encompassing pedagogical strategies, curriculum design, teacher-learner interactions, instructional materials, and integration of technology. By examining successful teaching reading practices, kindergarten teachers can gain insights into different methodologies that foster a love for reading and develop good comprehension skills and language acquisition in early childhood learners.

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