The study sought to determine the pedagogical approaches in teaching and learning of TVL teachers as correlates to the students’ performance in TVL. The researcher made use of a quantitative- descriptive research design, and has utilized a total of 48 respondents who were Senior High School TVL teachers of selected Secondary Schools in Zamboanga City, school Year 2019-2020.
The study disclosed that the highest number of respondents in terms of school location are from the central. In terms of TVL teachers’ strand, Home Economics (H.E) and Information Communication Technology (ICT) have the highest number, while Agri-Fishery Arts (AFA) got the lowest. Computer System Servicing has the highest number of specialization. The profile of the respondents in terms of number of trainings attended 1-5 times has the highest.
The pedagogical approaches in teaching and learning TVL Teachers described highly practiced. Students’ Performance in TVL Education in terms of hard skills and soft skills, both described highly competent. A significant difference on the pedagogical approaches in teaching and learning TVL Program when data were grouped into school location disclosed that significant difference does not exist. Findings, disclosed that significant difference does exist in the pedagogical approaches of teachers when data were grouped into strand; and when data were grouped into related trainings findings disclosed, significant difference does not exist. And significant difference on the students’ performance in TVL Program when data were grouped into strands.
TVL teachers highly practiced all the pedagogical approaches in teaching and learning of TVL in terms of constructivism, inquiry-based, reflective, collaborative and integrative. Students were also highly competent in both hard and soft skills.
Further, this study concluded that there were many TVL teachers teaching in the Central School. Senior High School students preferred to enroll in Home Economics and Industrial Arts. Students preferred the computer system servicing specialization. TVL teachers attended related trainings maximum of five times only. TVL teachers highly practiced collaborative teaching pedagogy in their teaching and learning process. Senior High School students were both highly competent in Hard and Soft skills. TVL Teachers teaching ICT have better teaching approaches compared to HE, IA and AFA. Students’ performance does not differ when the respondents were categorized into strands. TVL teachers highly practiced all the pedagogical approaches in teaching and learning of TVL in terms of constructivism, inquiry-based, reflective, collaborative and integrative. Students were also highly competent in both hard and soft skills.
Consequently, it is recommended that TVL Teachers may closely monitored the use of teaching pedagogical approaches that are constructivist, inquiry-based, reflective, collaborative and integrative. School Heads may convene TVL teachers every now and then in order to achieve TVL students’ better performance both in hard and soft skills.