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Rizal Elementary School


This qualitative study using phenomenological research design aimed to provide a comprehensive analysis of the implementation of Rapid Improvement in Zone of Arithmetic and Literacy (RIZAL)Project. The study was conducted in Rizal Elementary School, District of Pototan II, Pototan, Iloilo. A researcher-made interview guide was administered to twenty -five (25) selected stakeholders. The information gathered in this study was properly analyzed using a thematic approach. Results revealed that parents’ involvement in RIZAL Project in terms of reading intervention were their support, participation in decision-making, and help in facilitating the program. In terms of their involvement in food preparation, parents were able to provide healthy and nutritious foods for breakfast and send children to school with lunch. Parents also conduct follow-up at home through encouraging their children to read, spending more time in helping them to read, and hiring tutors to assist their children to read. The output of the study is policy recommendations.

Keywords: Reading Intervention, Reading and Arithmetic Proficiency, Program Improvement



National and International assessments, including the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA, 2018), and the National Achievement Test (NAT), have consistently revealed alarming trends in reading proficiency and numeracy among Filipino learners. These assessments indicate that a significant portion of learners fall below proficiency levels, hindering their academic progress and prospects.

As part of the MATATAG: Bansang Makabata, Batang Makabansa agenda, the Department of Education will prioritize improving the literacy and numeracy program and integrating "peace competencies" into the K–12 curriculum to make it relevant to producing citizens who are responsible, engaged, and ready for the workforce (Duterte, 2023).

The execution of the K–12 curriculum underscores the importance of reading and mathematics proficiency as a foundational skill for all learners. However, despite these efforts, concerns persist regarding the literacy and numeracy abilities of Filipino learners. These skills

underpin all aspects of education and personal development.

While there is a growing recognition of the importance of reading and arithmetic intervention in the Philippines, there is a paucity of comprehensive research that examines the effectiveness, challenges, and best practices of these programs within the local context. A deeper understanding of the experiences and outcomes of reading intervention initiatives is crucial for program enhancement and informed decision-making in education policy (Wasik & Bond, 2021).

Effective arithmetic and literacy intervention programs play a crucial role in addressing reading difficulties and improving overall literacy rates. Research has shown that early intervention is particularly effective in addressing reading challenges and preventing academic disparities (Ehri et al., 2014).

RIZAL (Rapid Improvement in Zone of Arithmetic and Literacy) is a project that emerged as a response to the alarming decline in reading and arithmetic proficiency among learners in Rizal Elementary School, Schools District of Pototan II. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the education serves as inspiration for the project. The pandemic, school closings, and the shift from in-person to modular and online learning all had a detrimental effect on pupils' reading abilities.

The aim of RIZAL Project is to address the pressing issue of declining reading and arithmetic skills and advocate for a culture of everyone across all levels of education.

The researcher observed that the implementation of this project has yielded promising results, with improvements in arithmetic and reading proficiency documented in our school, Rizal Elementary School in the Schools District of Pototan II. However, to sustain and enhance the program's impact, it is necessary in order to fully comprehend the experiences and difficulties faced by school heads, teachers, learners, and communities involved in RIZAL Project.

Additionally, this study aimed to offer a thorough examination of the implementation of RIZAL Project, exploring the experiences and perspectives of stakeholders within the school. By examining the program's successes, limitations, and areas for improvement, this research aimed to offer valuable insights that can inform the enhancement and sustainability of RIZAL Project and contribute to the broader discourse on arithmetic and reading advocacy and education reform in the Philippines in general.

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