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Department of Education


It is fundamental to seek overhauls that would enhance the learning environment for pupils in light of the global epidemic and with respect for the fresh approach to education presented by the Department of Education. This study was conducted to understand the ways and practices of parents and pupils in accomplishing modules. A mixed-method research technique was used in collecting and analyzing quantitative and qualitative data. The data needed for the study was gathered through questionnaire and in-depth interview with parents and pupils. Results showed that majority of the parents lacked knowledge in guiding their children with their lessons which was considered as one of the hindrances in doing modular activities. In terms of pupils’ strategies being used to accomplish the modules, they did the modules either in the morning or afternoon; they threw tantrums; and they rely with their parents in accomplishing their modules.

For the part of the parents, they gave reward to their children as one of the major techniques in order to accomplish the weekly modules.

Keywords: modules, techniques of accomplishing modules, parents’ participation, challenges, and innovative practices in accomplishing modules


In the Philippines, parents’ participation in the education of their children is expected and highly encouraged (Gumapoc, et. al. 2021). This was highlighted during the School Year 2020-2021 and 2021-2022, where there was a country-wide restriction of face-to-face learning. The Covid-19 pandemic brought about drastic changes in the delivery of educational services in the country. One of the changes implemented was the modular mode of learning wherein learners do their academic tasks at the comfort of their homes.

Due to restrictions implemented by the government, the teaching-learning process shifted. From teachers who directly teach the pupils into parents who have close contact with their children. This was the time when parents’ patience was put to test in teaching their children with less supervision coming from the teachers. It was the time which made parents’ participation as the most important part of the Philippine education resulting to collaboration between parents and teachers.

Moreover, it heralded a new standard form of education and placed a fresh burden on parents for the well-being of their kids. Parents' involvement is often welcomed by their children, whether it is for homework or a range of activities assigned by instructors. BE-LCP (Basic Education: Learning Continuity Plan) recommended modular distance learning as one of the modalities. It is harmonious with Section 1 of Article XIV of the 1987 Constitution, which preserves citizens' right to excellent education at all levels and makes education accessible to everyone (Tibon, 2020; Abadiano and Alicamen, 2020).

Olivo (2021) mentioned that printed modules had been favored by parents as a means of making learning accessible to their children. In a modular learning context, parents or senior siblings must be actively involved in their children's learning and function as facilitators. They supervised and assisted the children's home learning in the completion of the learning courses. Parents as well as educators have a part in supporting their youngsters in learning and reaching their educational goals.

Additionally, involvement by parents in their children's early learning improves academic performance. Parents must establish an environment at home that fosters learning, validates what is taught in school, and produces life skills since they are also teachers and want their children to grow up to be responsible people.

Parents learn new things, face challenges, and create strategies to support their first-grader's learning because of needing to assist their child. This research assumed that parents would get the experiences and knowledge required to appropriately teach their children in the new normal of learning. The approaches that parents employ to complete the modules are viewed as a crucial impact in their children's academic achievement. Understanding how their support in modular learning would affect their children's academic advancement might also help them examine and uncover their children's specific demands and academic growth.

Many of research as derived on the involvement of parents on their children's learning and development. Dy et. al (2022) of Cebu Normal University mentioned that parents greatly faced challenges in supporting the modular learning of their children, because most parents did not receive formal training in accomplishing modules. Ceka and Murati (2016) stressed the necessity of parents supporting their children's physical and intellectual growth to the point where they can operate independently and meet the demands of their environment in their research.

It is in this context that the study sought to discover the various techniques and methods parents used in accomplishing the modules of their grade one children in Buenasuerte Elementary School in Nabas, Aklan.

It is a fact that the assistance of parents can also be a factor in the enhancement of their children’s academic success, they must participate in the modular learning of their children so that they would know what to add to their facilities, be it materials or improvements on their academic learning. However, this will not make things easy for both children and parents. Some things create challenges and struggles for parents. Hence, the techniques used by parents in accomplishing their children’s modules are important. Collaboration between parents and children could also form a bridge that connects to academic success. The data from this study painted a bigger picture of the problem being studied to determine various methods, strategies, and techniques used by parents and pupils in accomplishing their modules.

In Buenasuerte Elementary School, parents collected the modules from each grade level and the ones tasked to return the same on a set date and time to properly assess the academic participation of the primary pupils. However, there were circumstances that occurred when parents could not properly adhere to the prescribed modular protocols of the school. This resulted in inconvenience and delay on the part of teachers due to delayed submission and return of the learner’s learning activity sheets.

Thus, it was imperative to understand the various ways and techniques the parents and pupils used to accomplish their modules and submit them on time.

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