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· Volume III Issue IV


The study explored the lived experiences of the parents as to their involvement in new normal education. The study utilized purposeful sampling technique in the selection of ten (10) parents of learners enrolled in Jose Rizal Memorial School. An interview guide was used to facilitate the productive and efficient gathering of responses. The interpretative phenomenological approach was used in analyzing the parents’ experiences. As such, this research was guided by the central question: What is the essence of lived experience of parents to their involvement in the new normal in education?

Ten themes emerged from the experiences of the parents over their involvement in new normal education: Parents as Teacher-Guide, Insufficient Time and Unfamiliar Content, Adverse Behavior, Adjustment in Time, Role and Attitude, Patience and Hard to Teach, Positive Outlook, Study the Lesson First and Give Examples, Time Management and Determination, Positive Reinforcement, and Independent, Determined and Responsible Learner.

As the parents fully accept and perform their role as guide-teachers, they are able to provide for the learning needs of their children and deflect the adverse behavior of their children toward home learning. Parents have been known to be their child’s first teachers. They guide, teach, and raise their children to become strong standing individuals, which is the common goal of each and every parent. Nowadays, parents’ roles and involvement expand far beyond the traditional ways.

Keywords: Parental Involvement, New Normal in Education, Modular Distance Learning (MDL)

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