This paper aims to assess the oral reading levels of Grades II to VI Pupils in Payapa Elementary School. The researcher used the descriptive design wherein 460 Grades II to VI pupils were the subject of the study. Based from the data gathered in Oral Reading Pre-Test Result in English of Grades II to VI pupils SY 2018-2019, out of 460 pupils, 1 or 0% of the pupil is non-reader, 16 or 3% are very struggling readers, 91 0r 20% are struggling readers, 172 or 38% of the pupils are average readers and 180 or 39% are fast readers. The statistical tools employed were frequency counts and percentage. The identified reading difficulties encountered in oral reading are poor recognition of words, substitution, repetition, insertion, reversal, and omission. Intervention programs were provided by the researcher such as Project STAR, SMILE and ALTAR. These programs/projects were implemented and fully utilized by the teachers and the pupils wherein good implications were noted. An increased by 10% in the fast readers, 12% in the average readers, a decreased by 19 % in the struggling readers and 0 non-reader. Nevertheless, the research serves as reflective reference to all the teachers to re-assess the reading levels of the pupils.
Keywords: oral reading, assessment, omission, repetition, poor recognition, insertion, reversal, difficulties