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· Volume III Issue II


Teaching Elementary Mathematics using Project 555 intervention faces a critical stage on their development especially in critical content. The traditional approach of teaching mathematics dominated by explicit method of teaching has clearly manifested its weakness over the past decades. 

Multimedia integrates video, animation, audio, graphics, and test resources to develop effective presentations. It allows sort out the information, analyze and make meaning for conceptualization and applications which is suitable for individual learners. Only limited studies have been undertaken on multimedia approach particularly for Mathematics. Multimedia is characterized by the presence of text, pictures, graphics, sound, animation and video; some or all of which are organized into some coherent program.

Keywords: Multimedia Integration, traditional method of teaching, Project 555


Teaching Elementary Mathematics using Project 555 intervention faces a critical stage on their development especially in critical content. The traditional approach of teaching mathematics dominated by explicit method of teaching has clearly manifested its weakness over the past decades. 

Empowerment the technological platform of media. ICT is the design which led to infinite applications of technologies. The perception of this technology equipment came into being with the appearance of perfect cards, then compact disks, then came the use of high tech cameras, then the video which made ICT an essential tool in teaching and learning. Currently, ICT expanded to become a field on its own.

ICT incorporates video, animation, audio, graphics, and test resources to develop effective presentations. It allows sort out the information, analyze and make meaning for conceptualization and applications which is suitable for individual learners. Only partial studies have been undertaken on technology approach specifically in Mathematics. ICT is described by using of text, pictures, graphics, sound, animation and video; some or all of which are organized into some coherent program. 

According to Chitanana and Starlin (2011), learning combinations of media such as graphics, animations, texts and visuals illustration definitely boost the academic level and their interest in their teaching and learning ICT. Instructional understanding to addressed systematically, especially for the knowledge gained in one session and have continuity with the knowledge given prior to the need of the learners. Therefore, diversity in educating different methods of presentation is an important component to motivate students' interest.

A primary function of the interactive ICT for instruction is in an instructional situation where the learners is given control so that he/she may assess the material at his or her own time and in keeping with their own particular interests, needs, and cognitive processes. Uses ICT approach is several media, devices, and techniques in the teaching learning process. It can convey huge information and knowledge to offer many sources from which student can access the information which improves by teaching learning process.

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