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Banate Central Elementary School


The qualitative research study using phenomenology aimed to formulate a program enhancement to teachers’ teaching strategies, learners’ experience, and parents’ support in MTB-MLE. The researcher used a researcher-made interview guide for the in-depth interview to gather information on the teachers’ teaching strategies, learners’ experience, and parents’ support in MTB-MLE in the Schools District of Banate. The interview guide focused on the purpose of this study. A video recorder was also used for data gathering and documentation depending on the permission of the participants. The data-gathering instruments were subjected to face and content validation by a panel of experts. Thematic analysis was utilized for descriptive data analysis. Based on the information gathered, the teachers’ teaching strategies were helping learners build fluency and using colorful varied resources. As to learners’ experience in MTB-MLE, they found it easy to understand and learned a lot of words. Moreover, parents support their children through helping them read MTB-MLE and conducting follow-up lessons at home.

Keywords: Provisions of Technical Assistance, MTB-MLE, Teaching Strategies, Learners’ Experience, Parents’ Support


Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE) teaches learners in kindergarten through grade three (K–3) in their mother tongue. To help teachers and students, education is given in both Filipino and English while utilizing regional languages. Many educators are currently acquiring the skills necessary to instruct in the mother tongue of the student body (Williams, 2017).

The service society provides to prepare the workforce of the future generation is education, education that should aim to fulfill the needs of a dynamic society. The idea of learner-centered, active learning is becoming increasingly popular in the research literature as the teaching strategy that best supports learning for contemporary students, as confirmed by empirical data (Freeman et al., 2014).

Mother Tongue-Based, Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE) get academic instruction in reading, writing, and math in their first language (L1), the second language, sometimes referred to as the preceding language (L2), ought to be properly instructed to enable learners to make the transition from the familiar to the foreign language progressively. MTB-MLE not only explains curriculum material in the learners' native tongue but highlights how crucial it is to have a curriculum that is based on the traditions of the area and to use an approach to teaching that fosters critical thinking and cognitive growth (Skutnabbs-Kangas, 2000).

Teachers' teaching practices are deemed important to guarantee the successful execution of the program and the accomplishment of more learning outcomes. It ought to affect academic achievement and, above all, the well-being of all learners in the institution (Halliberg, 2010).

On the other hand, the provisions of teachers' teaching practices and parents' support are essential for learners to master the fundamentals of reading. Ensuring learners have a strong understanding of the importance of reading stands as one of the finest methods to prepare them for success now and in the future (Rashid, 2015).

Learners who do well in school can better mature into adulthood and succeed professionally and financially (Miambo, 2011).

Effective integration of various strategies into the learning environment will depend on teachers' ability to reorganize instruction to integrate technology in ways that create socially engaged classrooms, promote cooperative learning and interaction, and support group projects by providing technical support (Guzey, 2020).

To provide the groundwork for program enhancement in the Schools District of Banate for the school year 2022– 2023, the study was conducted to determine the teachers’ teaching strategies, learners’ experiences, and parents’ support of MTB-MLE.

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