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· Volume II Issue IV


This study explored the experiences of Students at Risk of Dropping out (SARDO) Amidst the Pandemic.

This study utilized qualitative method of research that employed interviews and focus group discussion in gathering the data. Interviews were conducted in the teacher-participants’ in the respective classroom. It utilized individual interview to data gathered. These participants include twelve teachers at risk of dropping out. This study was conducted in school year 2020-2021. 

Five major themes came out. These are there monitoring practices: home visitation, sending letter to the parents, giving of remedial exam, triangular agreement, and asking neighbor to follow-up. The five themes in this study are discussed in details in the next section. this section also discuss the difficulties encounter by the teachers on their monitoring practices toward SARDO’S such as parent are not supportive, transportation, internet connection and parent does not response or follow the triangular agreement.

The experiences of teacher in monitoring of student at risk of dropping showed that they faced struggles and challenges in their school. School Administrators shall assist teachers in helping students at risk of dropping out by crafting doable action plans that would address the needs of the student at risk of dropping out. The Department of Education may consider providing trainings and seminars that would equip teachers with skills on how to handle these types of learners. 


Student-At-Risk of Dropping-Out commonly known as SARDO is a term coined by the Philippines’ Department of Education, as, a student who is likely to become a candidate to drop out. The National Center for Education Statistics (n.d.) defined dropping out as discontinuing the program and leaving school before graduation without achieving a diploma. Dropping out is one of the problem of the teacher adviser because of the reason it will reflect his or her performance this issue is not only affect the teacher adviser performance but it also affects the entirely of the nation. In the new normal system, there has been an increased number of students at risk of dropping out and some decided to stop schooling due to the pandemic. 

Hoff, et al. [2020] stated that this issue impacts more than just the student who makes this decision, but it also affects his or her family, the community, and society as a whole.  Fall et al. (2019) conducted a study about students at risk in dropping outs suggested that social contextual includes family support, teacher support, and peer support; self-system. It means that everyone is involved in the learning process of the learners especially the involvement of the guidance advocates or the guidance personnel. 

In the new normal, education must go on some schools will have on-line courses or blended. Teacher and student engage into technology in times of pandemic. One way of teachers monitoring during new normal classes is checking the attendance of the learners. Teachers play a vital role in the learning outcomes of the students. Through learning take place not only in the classroom but their attendance in formal education counts. The presence of the students physically and mentally in the classroom especially their active involvement will help them to learn. 

The SARDO’s is prevalent in all educational institution that is the reason why many of first-hand studies attempt to develop and find solution to reduce risk and manage to adopt proactive measure. Education help us to to grow mentally and develop an individual to become a productive citizen; and is the most vital issue causative to the progress of the nation. However, children in developing countries have denied their right to education through dropping out for different reasons. The purpose of this study is to provide information regarding dropout prevention and address basis for guidance program. 

SARDO or Student at Risk of dropping out is a big problem that public/private school facing today. Department of Education work on regarding of this problem. Principal, Teacher, Parent really help each other to solve this problem. The reason of a student dropping out is often termed as the precursor of dropout because it refers to the pivotal event which leads to dropout. This event, however, is the culmination of a much longer process of leaving school that began long before the date that a student actually discontinues attendance. According to Gavino (2013) every class adviser should check the attendance of the learners in the morning and afternoon session using using DepEd Form 1 School Register and Form 2 Teachers Report of Enrollment and attendance for accuracy of data. Currently, teachers using School Form (SF) 2 in monitoring this is common practices of the teachers. Since Secondary education, teachers vary every period of the day who conduct classes that is why every teacher encouraged to check of the learners to tracks records for the day. The total monthly enrollment for any day is the total number of students who have reported in the class or school for study at any time during the month and including the date for which the total is made. Less the number who have transferred to another class within the same school or division.

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