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· Volume II Issue IV


The study attempted todetermine the relation of mathematical problem solving ability to students’study habits, attitudes toward reading and mathematical problem solving and reading comprehension skills of fourth year students of Carlos F. Gonzales High School and its annex, Salapungan High School San Rafael, Bulcan, Philippines for school year 2009-2010.

The study utilized thedescriptive method of research. Questionnaires, reading comprehension test andmathematical problem solving tests were utilized. The data were consolidated, organized, presented, analyzed and interpreted using statistical tools such as frequency distribution, weighted mean, standard deviation and correlation coefficient®. Hypothesis was tested at a significant probability level of 0.50.

Result showed that majorityof the students’ study habits were eating and listening to music/radio. Theywere no longer interested in reading pocketbooks and magazines. Student-respondents were interested in reading but they did not want to go to the library just to read. Most of the respondents were challenged when solving difficult problems. They showed enthusiasm and interest on it.

Seventy percent (70%) of the studentrespondents belonged to “above average” level of reading comprehension andnobody registered at “low” level while forty-three percent (43%) of the students belonged to “average” level in mathematical problem solving and two registered at “low” level. Attitudes toward reading and mathematical problem solving were found to have no significant relationship in mathematical problem solving ability. These variables were not good predictors in the level of performance of students in problem solving while students study habits and reading comprehension were found significant.

Based from the findings ofthe study, the following conclusions were obtained:

Students’ study habits,attitude toward reading and mathematical problem were verbally described as“satisfactory” Students’ performance in reading comprehension is “above average”

The learner’s performancelevel in mathematical problem solving is “above average”

Reading comprehension skillresulted to highly significant relationship to their level of performance inmathematical problem solving. Likewise, students’ study habits registered a significant relationship to problem solving ability. On the contrary, attitude toward reading and mathematical problem solving were found insignificant in relation to problem solving ability.

Based on the conclusionsdrawn from this study, the following recommendations are hereby presented:

Develop a habit to eat before/while studying or reviewing to enhance performance in mathematical solvingproblem.

Listen to music/radio to relaxthe mind while studying to improve retention.

Positive reinforcement andmotivation are highly encouraged by the teachers for their students to giveample time to read more in order to maintain “above average” level of reading comprehension skill.

Remedial classes should beconducted to students who are low achievers in Mathematics to increase level ofperformance in problem solving.

Peer teaching should also bedone by pairing brighter students to their classmates who experience difficultyin problem solving.

For future researchers,inclusions of other variables aside from those covered of this study should bedone to determine the other factors that affect students’ mathematical problem solving ability.

Keywords: Mathematical Problem Solving, Mathematical Problem, ReadingComprhension, Skill, Study Habits, Problem Solving Test, Comprehension Test