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· Volume III Issue II


This study aimed to determine the managerial challenges and issues during modular distance learning basis for managerial plan during the school year 2020 - 2021.

The study is limited to ten (10) teacher-participants who have experienced in using modular distance learning modality in the new normal in Aguho Elementary School in the District of Pateros, Schools Division of Taguig City and Pateros. The researcher applied the goal-directed testing procedure in deciding the teacher-participants of the study. The study used the semi-structured interview to gather the needed information to determine the managerial challenges and issues during modular distance learning in the new normal. 

The study found out that the “Teachers had several managerial issues on modular distance learning such as insufficient of printed modules, decreased of students’ performance level, poor comprehension, and inadequate support from the parents, difficult to monitor the progress of students, and lack of training for teachers. Likewise, “Teachers had several challenging experiences on MDL such as lack of students’ financial support, difficulties in assessing students’ outputs, conflict from family and work, time constraints on the submission of students’ outputs, and lack of experience and/ or training on the instructional methodologies.” Then, “Teachers coping mechanisms during modular distance education are encouraging very-mindful, time supervision, honesty to change, and collaboration among family members. It means that the teachers are always do something to negate the stressful mind into a positive mindset. They watch TV, K-Dramas, Netflix, movies, shopping, or listening to music to overcome and to cope with the challenges in the new normal.”

It is concluded that insufficient of printed modules and lack of support from parents are some of the managerial issues of teachers during modular distance learning. Then, teachers are greatly challenged in reaching out their students due to the pandemic situation. Also, teachers had an ability to deal with stress and bounce from adversity and they are also flexible to learn new skills and adapt change.

Keywords: Challenges of Teachers, Managerial Issues, Modular Distance Learning 

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