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“I really hate this subject!”, exclaimed Prixee, a freshman college student who currently enrolled in one of the well-known University. Prix, as her colleagues call her, really finds Science a boring subject and she almost cursed it.

“Why on earth, such a subject like this? I don’t get it! Why do they need to include Science in the curriculum? Is there any way to skip the subject? So annoying!”, Prixee complained to herself.

This is just an ordinary scenario in her everyday life. She keeps on complaining about the subject and yet she can’t do anything but to surpass it.

One rainy Monday morning, upon rushing her way to their room, she accidentally bumped to a strange guy. It looks familiar to her, but she can’t remember if they’ve already meet. All the books and her science project that she’s holding at that moment dropped, rolled over the floor, and spoiled. The strange guy never bothered to say sorry nor offered some help to pick her things up.

“Can you not see me rushing? My science class will start in few minutes and here I am picking all my stuff. You ruined my day and my project as well. I stayed late at night just to finish my project but here it is, can’t fixed anymore. I hate nerd and clumsy guys, promise” Prixee said sarcastically and rolled her eyes to the strange guy as she is sobbing while picking her things up. A lot of students passed-by but no one bothered to stop and offer some help. As if nobody sees her struggling in picking and fixing her stuffs up.

“Am I dead? Why nobody sees me here in my situation? Are they blind or something?” she exclaimed.

That was the most unforgettable moment Prixee encountered during her freshman year in the University. That’s the reason why she almost quit her course and dropped her science subject. But one miracle happened that made her decide to stay and realized how important science is. How amazing the subject is.

“Class, let us listen to Ms. Prixee as she delivers her report and discuss about her project. Let’s give her a warm of applause.” Sir Lino said in his manly voice. At that moment, Prixee can’t help but to bravely stand with her messy hair and teary-eyes and ready to tell her professor the truth about what happened to her project.

“Sorry Sir but I can’t show you my …” Prixee said sadly in low voice and started to tell what happened a while ago. But a nerd guy sitting at the corner of their classroom stood up for her. Tried to help her in that moment. That guy who bumped her on the hallway. That nerd, clumsy and rude guy.

“Sir, excuse me.” Jason said in a gentle manner.

“Do you have something to say, Mr. Jason.” Professor Lino asked. Everybody in the class turned their heads to Jason and took all the attentions.

“May I help Miss Prixee to present her project? Oh, by the way, now I am holding her finished product that almost drop on the hallway a while ago. Should I bring it in front so that everybody can see how nice and amazing her project is?” Jason said and walked as he bring Prixee’s project in front of the class. Prixee still can’t believe that the nerd and unapologetic guy is the one helping her presenting the science project to the whole class.

“But how …? Is that really my project?” whispered Prixee. Jason answered her with his sweetest smile and never utter a single word.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, may I call on Ms. Prixee to present her project. Miss Prixee, the floor is yours.” Jason said and the class applauded. The project that she is now presenting in class is not her work. It’s very different from her finished product. It all messed up and spoiled but how come the one that is in front of her now is such an amazing and excellent work. She knew in her heart that this is Jason’s work and not hers. Jason is just doing this as a way of saying sorry or to impressed her. She feels nervous at first in delivering her report but in the end, it turned up successfully.

“Good job, Miss Prixee. Honestly, this is your best performance ever.” Sir Lino complimented her.

“Thank you, Sir.” Prixee said and smiled sweetly.

After class, Prixee purposely waited Jason at the hallway where they bumped each other. She has a lot of questions to ask. A lot of questions troubling her mind about what happened in the hallway and in the Science Lab. Thirty minutes passed by when Jason arrived.

“Jason, can we talk?”

“I’m sorry what happened a while ago. I never intended to ruin your day and your project. It’s that just actually my plan to get your attention and to help you to put your heart to science. My sincere apology, please.” Jason said and offered his hand to Prixee.

“But I can’t understand? Why you need to do that?”

“To be honest, I have a crush on you since day one. Your name and angelic face got stuck on my head from time to time. I don’t know why, or it is because we are opposite. You hate science the most and I love science the most. Maybe, it is called the balanced of nature. Believe it or not, I like you and starting to fall for you. That’s the reason why I am getting your attention and helping you to pass your subject, or should I say, I am helping you to love the subject science.” Jason explained.

“But how? I still cannot believe how you figured out my project in an excellent way. We have our individual project, right? You mean, you do your project and mine at the same time? Why? Why me?”

“Science is my favorite subject, and you are my favorite individual. If you ask me why, I think Chemistry simply applies on it or should I say on us.” Jason uttered and held Prixee’s hands. On that very moment, in the middle of the hallway, they feel that they are the only student present in that day. Nobody else. Nobody except the two of them. To them, they own the spotlight. They are the sweetest that the colony of ants can rush to attack them anytime.

“Should I say, I found love in the lab?” Jason said and attempted to kiss Prixee in the cheek but suddenly they hear applauses and sweet shouts. That’s the time that they’ve realized and comes back to their senses that they’re in the school premises. Both blushed and felt ashamed but in the end all of them celebrated the chemistry of love they found in the lab.

“Truly, science of love strikes everywhere. It sparks to the right person and into the right place.”