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Mabini Sub-Office, Mainaga - San Francisco Integrated School

This study determined the perceived level of satisfaction of the junior high school learners and teachers with their experiences in Mainaga-San Francisco Integrated School for School Year 2023-2024. Descriptive design was used to answer the posited questions and analyzed through rank and weighted mean. The respondents were 141 junior high school learners and 6 teachers. Findings revealed that respondents strongly agree that they were engaged in different experiences in school however, they were partially satisfied with their experiences in school in relation to right to access education, right to quality education, and right to respect and well-being in learning environment. To meet the satisfaction level of learners and teachers the school should provide a learning-focused environment, strengthen the summer sports program for potential athletes, conduct of journalism camp and continuous partnership with NGOs for school facilities development, strengthen the implementation of the school Banner Program :Tatak MSFIS ( Take the lead in Transforming and Keeping the passion of teachers in Making teaching and learning meaningful to inspire learners to continue their studies, Seeking support and assistance for learners with difficulties and disadvantaged learners, Facilitate innovation to improve learners’ performance, Intensify strategies to develop resilient learners and Synergize efforts to maintain stakeholders’ engagement in the implementation of school’s programs and projects), continuous participation of different competitions and activities that enhance their potentials, conduct different activities showing respect for identity of learners and teachers, monitoring of suggestion box usage for right to express their views and be heard, conduct of open forum for junior high school learners and creation of official fb page of the junior supreme secondary learner government(SSLG).

Keywords: level of satisfaction, descriptive, partially satisfied, Tatak MSFIS, synergizing, intensifying, innovation