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Getulio National High School


The study determined the learners’ mathematical skills in four fundamental operations of integers through Literacy Enhancement and Reinforcing Numeracy (LEARN) project. Before the implementation of the project, the mathematical skills were found to be low proficient when taken as a whole and when grouped as to sex, and nearly proficient when grouped as to school. There was a significant difference in the level of learners’ mathematical skills when grouped as to sex for addition and not significant in other operations and in four operations when grouped as to school. The mathematical skills in four fundamental operations after the implementation of the project when taken as a whole and when grouped as to sex and school was nearly proficient. There were no significant differences in addition and subtraction but there were significant differences in multiplication and division. There were no significant differences on the four fundamental operations when grouped as to school. On the other hand, there were significant differences in four fundamental operations before and after the implementation of LEARN project.

Keywords: Mathematical Skills, Four Fundamental Operations of Integers, Literacy Enhancement and Reinforcing Numeracy (LEARN) Project


Background of the Study

Mathematics, often seen as a supporting discipline for science, also serves as a creative expression that conveys beauty through a framework of definitions, axioms, and theorems. It stands as one of the key instruments’ humans have created in their endeavor to comprehend and manipulate their surroundings. Given that mathematics is a crucial tool in the technological era, it is the responsibility of mathematics educators to offer students the chance to engage with content that might be deemed contemporary or innovative (Adler, 2015). These concepts could be learned better and effective if the learners are literate in mathematics.

Mathematics literacy includes a wide range of understanding, knowledge, and value for the potential of mathematics, rather than implying proficiency in various mathematical fields or complex equations (Layug et al. 2021).

The majority of mathematical failures result from merely memorizing facts without any comprehension. Learners are not applying the skills and approaches that enhance their critical thinking, reasoning, and creativity, which are essential for them to tackle any mathematical task independently (Wallit, 2016). The Department of Education seeks to cultivate students who are proficient in numeracy and capable of utilizing their numerical skills for different reasons (RM No. 280, s. 2021). To reach this goal, it is essential to highlight critical thinking and problem solving in mathematics instruction, as well as in the creation of assessment instruments.

Since numeracy skills serve as the foundational components for developing mathematical competencies across different grade levels, assessing the learners' current understanding of these skills is critically important. To assist mathematics teachers and curriculum developers in gauging their students' numeracy abilities in the four basic operations of integers, the Project Literacy Enhancement and Reinforcing Numeracy (LEARN) initiative was launched by the Schools Division of Guimaras. This initiative is a crucial element of the Division Literacy and Numeracy Roadmap, designed to enhance the literacy and numeracy skills of students in both formal education and the Alternative Learning System (DM 09, s. 2023).

Most of the students who were learning using the modules while staying at home during the previous school year were likewise found to be non-numerates. Due to their lack of in-person encounters, the math teachers only provided them with a separate learning activity sheet that required students to complete numeracy assessments under the guidance of their parents or learning facilitators. The teacher promptly used learning activity sheets to deliver further remedial tasks after learning the outcome. The goal of giving such was not adequately achieved because it was not made clear in the activity results whether the students actually completed the test or only the learning facilitators.

With the reintroduction of face-to-face classes in all schools within the Schools Division of Guimaras, many non-numerate students remain enrolled. The LEARN project was launched to provide remedial activities and ongoing practice in completing numeracy tests focused on the four basic operations of integers. In light of this premise, the researcher undertook this study to assess how effective remedial activities are in teaching numeracy as a means to enhance the performance of identified non-numerate students in all high schools within the Municipality of Buenavista-1. Essentially, this study concentrated on the mathematical skills demonstrated by the learners after the implementation of the innovation.

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