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· Volume VI Issue I

Modernization, the modern lion

Predator in the contemporary horizon

Devourer of culture and tradition

Crippler of ideals for the nation


Modernization, its grasp is strong

Now Maria Clara’s belly button is shown

Juan woos through his phone

People are connected but alone


But can this bane be turn to boon to preserve the nation?

Of course! Our Filipino language is a powerful weapon

Enough to direct modernization

To aid in the dissemination of cultural information


With our Filipino language in action

Through the power of the digital platform

We can educate women about our conservative culture and tradition

And teach Maria Clara to cover her belly button


Using the digital platform

We can put Filipino courtship language in position

Introducing to every Juan Harana and other unique courtship expressions

Using language as a powerful tool of traditional courtship restoration


With our Filipino language in motion through internet connection

We can revive the Bayanihan spirit through the modern platform

Making sure that every Juan is informed that he can have a contribution

In making everyone connected but not alone especially in times of struggles


Filipino language and modernization, a powerful combination

Savior in the contemporary horizon

Keeper and mirror of culture and tradition

Booster of the ideals for the nation