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· Volume III Issue IV

At a very young age, I knew I want to be a teacher. I'm not exactly sure what I want to teach or what grade level yet. All I know is that my greatest passion is teaching. I want to help people quench their curiosities and better understand the world around them. I thought it was as simple as that but it wasn’t that easy. It’s not enough that teaching is my passion. Rather than that, I should teach with passion.

My passion for teaching is empowered by my learners, my family and most especially by God. One of the important factors in the development of my passion for teaching is having commitment and dedication to learners. Learners as the center of the teaching-learning process should be our priority. Their innocence and willingness to learn enables me to exert an extra effort to teach them passionately. I’m fiercely devoted to my work and greatly inspire my students. I always put my students' wants, needs, and interests first. I see to it that I meet the needs of each individual learner by providing a variety of unique teaching methods and techniques. I strive harder to motivate and engage students.

The other enabling factor of my passion in teaching is my family. I came from a poor family. I am the oldest among the seven children of our parent. My mother is the one who supported all of our needs since my father died after my graduation in high school due to heart disease. Luckily, I got a scholarship in college wherein I took education course. After four years of studying, I graduated. I passed the board exam and got an item in public. I won’t achieve those things without the support of my family. As a breadwinner of the family, I pursue my teaching career to support them. At the same time, my family motivated me to have passion in teaching. I see myself in my pupils who pursue their dreams despite of the hardship and struggles in life. That’s why; I’m doing the best that I can to teach, inspire and motivate them. In that way, they will study harder not only for themselves but also for their family.

The last and most enabling factor is our Almighty God. I do believe that teaching is not a profession, it is a calling. A calling, on the other hand, is more than just a job. We teach and lead because God has called us to do so. It is a conviction from God for a particular purpose, to a particular thing. My personal calling is to become a teacher, specifically to become a compassionate teacher. We needed to reflect and find out our biggest why in this field of service. God, being the first teacher sacrifices a lot for us. In return, we teachers should also sacrifice for the sake of our learners.

A decade from now, I vision myself as a compassionate 21st century teacher whose focus is on effectively engaging students, ensuring their learning and shaping their development. I wanted my pupils to remember me like that as an exceptional teacher, a high quality effective and passionate teacher. I will try to make a lasting impression on my students. In order to attain that, I need to dig them up, plant a seed of knowledge and love to them that will bear a fruit of success. I believe that every teacher has the opportunity to plant seeds of knowledge and love of education into our students, and ultimately that is our purpose in this wonderful profession.

Being an exceptional teacher requires an action. First of all, I need to enjoy teaching. Teaching is meant to be a very enjoyable and rewarding career field. I should show love to children and intend on caring for them with all my heart. I should have sense of humor. I will make my lessons alive by making it as interactive and engaging as possible. I will let my passion for teaching shine through each and every day. I will enjoy every teaching moment to the fullest.

Second, I will make a difference. There is a saying, “With great power come great responsibility”. As a teacher, I need to be aware and remember the great responsibility that comes with my profession. One of my goals is to make a difference in their lives. I will make them fee; special, safe and secure when they are in classroom. I will be a positive influence in their life. We never know what our students went through before entering our classroom on a particular day or what conditions they are going home after class. So, just in case they are not getting enough support from home, at least I make a difference to their lives.

Lastly, I will show commitment and dedication to my learners all the time. I will do my job for the love of teaching and not because I feel obligated to do it. I will do it to inspire others. I will never give-up and try my best to become a committed and dedicated one. I will be concerned with the development of my students. I will cultivate students’ curiosity and interest in learning.

If all of these plans will be put into an action, I will become a compassionate one. From now on, I will teach passionately all the time. At the same time, I will keep my passion in teaching alive.