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· Volume II Issue II


Mathematics can be viewed as a way of thinking, a language, and a study of pattern, which aim to develop competencies in the basic skills in mathematical techniques, vocabulary, concepts and logical procedures for all students. It is a vital part of life and an indispensable tool in many fields of endeavor. It is a creation of humans and requires deductive reasoning for the ultimate acceptance of generalizations. It processes operating procedures, basic assumptions, and is used by people to describe, understand and explain their surroundings (Deauna, 2004).

Despite the significant value of mathematics education in elementary level and in junior high school, mathematics teachers are somehow (or most of the time) whined that they have many students with special need in their classes. This had been observed and experienced by the writer himself in teaching mathematics for more than a decade in both private and public schools in junior and senior high school including higher education. The situation calls for re-teaching of the previous lesson or the need of remediation and giving supplemental activities before proceeding to the next lesson. A lot of time is used to these activities during face-to-face mode of teaching which otherwise, could be considered in improving mathematics education especially this time of pandemic where most of the schools in the Philippines are adapting modular approach as learning modality.

As facilitator of learning in general, it is our task of providing the best elements in the teaching stream that will cater towards the great interest of our students. However, the learning of mathematics does not depend solely on the teacher’s ability to teach mathematics, but of course on the significant value of both non-intellective and intellective factors which affects students’ performance in this subject. It is very challenging for math teachers on how they would utilize the non-intellective factors such as school facilities, instructional materials, gadgets, and alike, while our learners is learning from home. On the other hand, how are intellective factors such as teacher’s background, student’s ability and educational attainment of parent/guardian will be maximized to improve the mathematical performance of the students in the “new normal”.

Every mathematics teacher is continuously challenged to find ways and means on how to teach this subject efficiently and effectively by considering the intellective and non-intellective factors in order to trace mastery of the lesson and minimize repetition. It is a matter of choice to make us different for our learners. Mabuhay ang mga guro ng bagong normal!