The study determined the innovative teaching methods used in Physical Science in both public and private senior high schools. It was found out that the common innovative teaching methods used by teachers in teaching Physical Science are Hands on Learning, Multimedia Approach, Powerpoint, Inquiry Based Learning, Activity-Based Teaching on Science Principles, Project Based Learning, Social Media, Video Clips, ICT Enabled Learning, Research Books, Mobile Apps for Science, Interactive Science Journal and Lessons, Guided Discovery Problems, Observation Stations, and Science Exhibition. Teachers viewed it as bridging to assess their level of knowledge, innovativeness in using technology, information accessibility and convenience, effective learning approach and engaging and relevant to the teaching and learning process. Their experiences were Revealing the usage of the different platforms, Different Platforms in Teaching is Useful, Supplemental Learning Options, Discovering the Capabilities of the Learners was Realized, Integration of Innovative Methods in Learning and Teaching Becomes Clear, and Bridging the Gap.
Keywords: Innovative Teaching Methods, Physical Science, Senior High Schools, In-Service Training, Teachers
Teaching is a personal undertaking that refers to teachers' essential role in involving students in activities that will help them develop valuable values and attitudes while gaining knowledge and skills.
In education, techniques refer to a teacher's distinct approach to introducing a subject to students, which is marked by skill in carrying out procedures with the highest level of care to guarantee the achievement of learning strategies.
Different methods and means are devised for the teacher to pass the message to the student in a formal setting. The conventional approach to learning has always been the face-to-face method of talking and writing on boards, also called the "talk and chalk method." In another way, the students listen to the lecture while the teacher presents the material. As a result, learners participate little in their learning process, and the learning mode is typically passive.
According to research (Nwaeze et al., 2016), the conventional lecture approach in the classroom is of limited effectiveness in teaching and learning because students assume a purely passive role, and their concentration fades off after 15-20 minutes. Effective concentration leads to improved learning outcomes. Thus, there is a need for alternative and innovative teaching methods that will entail students' active participation in the teaching and learning process, removing the element of passivity. The method should also be able to effectively pass across the message and ensure that the objective is achieved.
The researcher, who teaches Physical Science in the Senior High School, believes that all science teachers need to know the different innovative methods and how to use them effectively to improve the teaching-learning process. This will improve the quality of learners' academic performance in science and bring positive change in the lives of the people in the community.
In addition, education has great importance in building strong and developed societies. The success of the educational process depends on educators' continual professional development. Therefore, it is always an urgent educational need that teachers should receive adequate educational and professional training to possess knowledge and teaching skills. Thus, in-service training is recognized as a vital component in improving the education process among teachers. Courses are planned to improve instructional and professional knowledge, interest, and skills. Most importantly, the training and professional development have to be introduced, mentored, and evaluated, regularly covering all educational needs, by experts in the field (Alfaidi & Mohamed, 2020).
The need for teachers' in-service education cannot be underestimated. Enhancing teachers' work performance and motivation in the field is necessary. The lack of in-service training will hamper teachers' professional development, and there will be "missing gaps" between expectations and actual success levels (Osamwonyi, 2016).
Therefore, this paper focuses on providing an overview of the different innovative teaching methods used by teachers and how to develop in-service training relevant to their needs and update their knowledge, expertise, skills, and competence in the teaching profession.
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