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Dalig National High School


There is an increasing interest in conducting high-quality action research, particularly in education and, more specifically, in the new normal setting. Quality research does not aid teaching and learning; rather, it helps instructors become more reflective about their duties and responsibilities in the classroom, and it helps schools enhance the provision of quality education to students. As a result, instructors are encouraged, if not mandated, to do research related to their field of education in the way of action research (Barcelona, 2020). The study aimed to determine the level of implementation of the institutional research program in the City Schools Division Office of Antipolo school year 2022-2023. Specifically, this study focused on determining the level of implementation of research programs in terms of development, dissemination, and utilization of the completed research conducted by the public secondary school teachers in Antipolo City. The respondents of this study were master teachers, school heads, and head teachers of public junior and senior high schools from the City Schools Division Office of Antipolo. To obtain the essential data and information on the scope of this investigation, this study used a mixed-method research design. This method incorporates parts of qualitative and quantitative research. In the qualitative method, the researcher gathered data through focus group discussion and examined the data to identify common themes, topics, ideas, and patterns of meaning that come up frequently. In the quantitative method, the researcher used a survey questionnaire to gather numerical data and applied statistical treatment to analyze and interpret the gathered data. The overall means were near to each other and have the same verbal interpretation, indicating that the estimated degree of implementation of the research program was consistent across all groups. In terms of diffusion among teacher responses, school size has little bearing on the level of implementation of research programs. Most of the participants claimed that their personal challenges in conducting and initiating research fall under knowledge in implementing research, time constraints, and financial and availability of resources. Teacher- participants described the level of implementation of institutional research that focused on curriculum development, benefits in the academic performance of learners, and enhancement of pedagogical strategies.

Keywords: Educational Research, Research Program, Proficient Teachers, Highly Proficient Teacher, Education



Education is one of the significant elements of society, and research is critical to increasing and improving the quality of education. According to Wyse, Brown, Oliver, and Poblete (2021), educational research is crucial for understanding the complexities of teaching and learning. It provides helpful knowledge on how learners learn and how educators can encourage them. It provides informative facts regarding how learners learn, how teachers can actively include students in the classroom, and how learning institutions can better encourage their students' academic performance. Through rigorous research techniques, educational researchers generate evidence-based information that guides the development of effective pedagogical schemes and initiatives.

Furthermore, the dissemination of educational research results is critical for the advancement of fundamental education. According to Vecaldo, Asuncion, and Ulla (2019), the publication of research findings aids in narrowing the gap between theory and implementation. It allows professionals, researchers, individuals making decisions, and other stakeholders to share ideas, knowledge, and best practices. Research findings can be disseminated via various media, such as scholarly articles, workshops, seminars, and Internet platforms, allowing for the broad distribution of research to a large audience.

Moreover, pedagogical research is critical for developing public policy. Lawmakers use research findings to drive the development of school-related initiatives and strategies. According to Erisman, Pesantes, and Beran (2022), evidence-based policies are more likely to be productive and have a beneficial effect on educational outcomes. Policymakers can use educational research's critical insights into the benefits and downsides of present policies to identify goals and appropriate assets and implement reforms.

Basic education research projects are critical for improving and furthering education. They advance knowledge by disseminating research findings, adopting research in an educational setting, and formulating different policies. The use of research in educational settings and the formulation of policymaking. As the eld of education evolves, it is critical to invest in rigorous research programs to generate evidence-based decisions- policies and procedures that may ultimately enhance essential education excellence.

Considering the growing acknowledgment of the relevance of research in the educational setting, the researcher's views on the development, distribution, and application of education research are as follows.

In the context of expansion, teacher researchers bear the costs of performing their research. Although the BERF (Basic Education Research Fund) exists, certain educators are unaware of it, or their studies are not eligible for funding. According to Ulla (2019), public school teachers usually face challenges because of the lack of funding, research structures, and inadequate research talents. Teachers' goal has shifted from professional to personal, intending to advance their careers rather than expand their expertise in their specialty or solve an existing educational problem.

Regarding distribution, the growing number of research works should be communicated to a broader audience. However, according to Reyes and Gomez (2020), there is a scarcity of platforms for researchers to publish their discoveries, including open-access journals, conferences, and online archives. They have the potential to limit the accessibility and effect of educational research by making useful findings unavailable to policymakers, practitioners, and other partners. Most e-journals charge a publication fee, which will be added to the cost of a teacher-researcher. Even school libraries rarely maintain teacher-conducted research.

Subsequently, while research on successful education methods is rising, there is a demand for greater incorporation of funding from studies into educational environments. Bullo, Labastida, and Manlapaz (2021) point out that there is frequently an inconsistency between practice and research, with teachers not always employing research-based practices in their teaching. Similarly, policymakers must employ empirical evidence to guide establishing education policies and programs that successfully address basic education concerns. Because of a lack of support or inadequate funding for usage or reproduction, most research discoveries and breakthroughs have been stored in libraries or, worse, forgotten.

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