This descriptive survey research determined and described the extent of implementation of the Senior High School Career Guidance Program of Ilocos Norte National High School as perceived by the SHS advisers and grade 12 students, who were enrolled in a track not aligned with their National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE) scores. Further, it identified the preferred occupational interests, and reasons of the students for being enrolled in a track not aligned with their NCAE scores. To determine the perceptions of the respondents on the extent of implementation of the program, survey questionnaire was utilized. Frequency counts, percentages, mean ratings and t-test were used to treat the data gathered. Findings show that the primary reason of the students for being enrolled in a track which is not aligned with their NCAE scores is due to their personal interests. As to their preferred occupational interest based on their NCAE sores, it is revealed that community services is the most preferred field. Further, the program is perceived by the SHS advisers as highly implemented while moderately implemented among students. More so, the mean perception of the teachers of the program in terms of its objective, various career advocacy activities based on the IRR of RA 10533, and school-based strategies utilized is higher compared to the students. Based on the findings, this study concludes that the extent of implementation of the Senior High School Career Guidance Program of Ilocos Norte National High School affects the self-awareness and track choice of the students.
Keywords: Career information sources, extent of implementation, National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE), Senior High School Career Guidance Program, Senior High School Career Tracks
Choosing a career is one of the most crucial decisions a student has to undergo (Aguado, C., et. al 2015). This is so, because they need to make sure that their career choice is really their desired preference anchored and validated by their interests, talents, skills and effectiveness. However, due to many factors affecting their choices, they tend to compromise their career satisfaction and development which direct them to career mismatch, dissatisfaction and frustration (Pascual, 2014). As a matter of fact when they choose a career they focus on choices that can give them quick employment and good paying jobs even if they know to themselves that they do not fit to such (Santos, 2016). They even seek for confirmation of their career choices to the people around them and disregard their self-identity and awareness of their strengths and weaknesses. Also, pleasing much their parents is one of their primary concerns in choosing a career, which lead them to a totally different career pathway (Singh, 2005).
Thus, in responding to the varied challenges and concerns in career development among students, many countries have been creating career guidance programs which are more effective and vital to the present context. China, due to its rapid development and complex situation, has been enhancing its career guidance programs to meet the demands of career preparation among students. Both employment guidance strategies and career planning are used for they are considered essential in strengthening career guidance programs (Sun and Yuen, 2012). Likewise, Vietnam has been also improving its career guidance programs implemented to all Vietnamese secondary schools to treat properly the career issues and concerns of every student. Therefore, innovations and development in the career guidance programs, which are anchored on career development theories, values, attitudes and practical actions are highlighted to give significant effects on the development of every student (Van and Loan, 2016). Moreover, it is also noted by Van and Loan (2016) that even in America, it has been its aim to assist students in their career decision making and planning by providing quality career guidance programs. Thus, every counselor in every school is motivated to give foundation for obtaining knowledge, attitudes and skills among the students to meet their career growth and development. Through that endeavor, students are given enough time to have a better career exploration and link their interests to their aptitudes to make positive long-term career decisions.
In the Philippines, career issues and concerns among secondary students are also a big apprehension by the government. This point is supported by the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE, 2015) which determined that students lack career decision making and so they turned to choose careers especially during their higher education level which are not aligned with their interests and so resulting to job and skills mismatch.
Hence, the Philippine government, through the Department of Education steadfastly helps students to deal with the career issues and concerns they face in fulfilling their career goals in life. To realize it more, the Senior High School (SHS) Program was established to give extensive preparations among students before entering to college and expecting that it can lessen job mismatch and career frustrations among them. Varied programs relevant to the career development and enhancement of the students under this scheme were fortified and one of which is the Senior High School Career Guidance Program. This program is paralleled with the idea that there is a great need to assist Senior High School students in making right and informed choices through the integration of various career activities as prescribed by the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of the RA 10533 or K to 12 law.
Furthermore, to back up the Senior High School Career Guidance Program in directing more the students to their right career path, the National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE) has been used. The NCAE is a career assessment tool, which is widely used in every secondary institution in the Philippines to lead more the SHS entrants in understanding more their skills, abilities, and interests, and profile them to the career track suited to them.
However, it was observed by the researcher from the school where he teaches, which belongs to a small school category, that there are students who are enrolled in a track which is not aligned with their NCAE scores. Also, he observed that even if various career activities are being implemented in their school, still there are students who lack career information and self-assessment. With this, the researcher was urged to verify his observations if they are also true at Ilocos Norte National High School. Such school belongs to a big school category, has a big population and offers almost all the SHS tracks.
Statement of the Problem
This study identified the extent of implementation of the Senior High School Career Guidance Program of Ilocos Norte National High School.
Specifically, it tried to answer the following questions:
1. What are the preferred occupational interests of the students based on their National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE) scores?
2. What are the reasons of the respondents for being enrolled in a track not aligned with their NCAE results?
3. What is the extent of implementation of the Senior High School Career Guidance Program as perceived by the advisers and students in terms of:
a. objectives;
b. various career advocacy activities involved based on IRR of RA 10533 or K to 12 Law; and
c. school-based strategies utilized?
4. Is there a significant difference between the ratings given by the advisers and students on the extent of the implementation of the SHS career guidance program?
Conceptual Framework
This study was conceptualized to determine the extent of implementation of the Senior High School Career Guidance Program of Iocos Norte National High School.
Figure I shows the paradigm of the study. As can be gleaned from the figure, a box which represents the Career Guidance Program covers two intersected circles, the Self-awareness and the National Career Assessment Examination (NCAE) score, which are two of the most important parts in the implementation of the program. Student is placed at the middle of the two circles which denotes that the Self-awareness and NCAE score complements each other to help the student validate his or her skills, abilities and interests suited to his or her career track or field occupational interest.
Hence, the Career Guidance Program is implemented properly if self-awareness and NCAE scores of the student are followed. With this, the researcher believes then that the Senior High School Career Guidance Program is essential in career decision making among Senior High School students. Through the use of the information processing skills, they can process the various career information based on their understanding and through the impact of external factors. Thus, the study focuses on implementation of Senior High School Career Guidance Program of Ilocos Norte National High School. The result of the study can serve as an evaluative measure on how to assist students through the use of a career guidance program.

Research Design
This study utilized a descriptive-survey research design. A descriptive research design is a scientific method which involves observing and describing the behavior of a subject without influencing it in any way. Further, its main objective is the accurate portrayal of the characteristics of persons, situations and or the frequency with which certain phenomena occur (Polit and Hungler, 2008). In this study, the extent of implementation of the Senior High School Career Guidance Program was described as to its objectives, strategies utilized based on the Implementing Rules and Regulation of RA 10533 or K to 12 law and the school-based activities utilized.
Population and Sampling Procedure
This study involved grade 12 SHS students, who were enrolled in a track not aligned with their NCAE scores for the School Year 2017-2018, and SHS advisers of Ilocos Norte National High School. .In the identification of the respondents of the study, total enumeration technique was utilized. Hence, the researcher gathered the needed information and data from the guidance and registrar’s office. A total of 112 Grade 12 students were identified as students who were enrolled in a track not aligned with their NCAE scores. After identifying the student-respondents, getting the total number of SHS advisers was done. Based on records from the registrar’s office, there were a total of 24 advisers coming from grades 11 and 12. All identified respondents were taken for the purpose of the study.
Research Instruments
This study utilized two research instruments: Survey Questionnaire on the Extent of Implementation of Senior High School Career Guidance Program and Interview Guide for the Student-Respondents based from the Senior High School Manual of Operations.
The survey questionnaire, which was utilized in determining the extent of implementation of the Senior High School Career Guidance Program of Ilocos Norte National High School as perceived by the SHS advisers and students enrolled in a track not aligned with their NCAE scores, is divided into three parts: Part 1 includes the objectives of the SHS Career Guidance Program based on DepEd Memorandum No. 165, s. 2017; Part 2 deals with the various career advocacy activities involve based on the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of RA 10533 or K to 12 law; and Part 3 includes the school-based strategies utilized. The interview guide was used to elicit the reasons of the respondents for being enrolled in a track not aligned with their NCAE results.
Data Gathering Procedure
First, the researcher sought an ethical clearance from the University Research Ethics Review Board (URERB) of the Mariano Marcos State University. Similarly, before the data gathering, the researcher asked permission from the Assistant School Principal II of the Senior High School of Ilocos Norte National High School, forher approval to conduct the study in the school. Upon approval, gathering of the data on the profile of students and the results of their NCAE scores from the school guidance office was done.
After identifying the total number of student-respondents and having obtained their profile information, a structured-interview was conducted to elicit their reasons for being enrolled in a track not aligned with their NCAE scores. The researcher personally conducted the interview with the students and was assisted by the guidance counselor. The respondents were allowed to answer the interview questions through English, Filipino or Iluko and were given enough time to respond to the different questions. Moreover, after the interview with the students, gathering of data with regard to the extent of implementation of the SHS Career Guidance of Ilocos Norte National High School was done. The researcher personally distributed and retrieved the questionnaires to the respondents. Informal interview was conducted to validate the perceptions of the respondents on the extent of implementation of the program. Further, all the data gathered were tabulated analyzed and interpreted.
Statistical Treatment of Data
The data gathered were tallied, analyzed and interpreted using frequency distribution for the preferred occupational interests of the students based on their NCAE scores and reasons for being enrolled in a track not aligned with their NCAE scores, while weighted means for the perceived extent of implementation of the program among the respondents. The t-test was also used for the significance of difference between the perceptions of the advisers and students on the program’s extent of implementation.
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