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Banate Central Elementary School


The qualitative research study using phenomenological research design aimed to formulate a policy recommendation on experiences on Quality Assurance, Technical Assistance, Monitoring, and Evaluation (QATAME) by school personnel. A researcher-made interview guide was used for the eight participants in the selected public schools district supervisors, school heads, and teachers who were chosen as QATAME. The data-gathering instruments were subjected to face-to-face and content validation by a panel of experts. Thematic analysis was utilized for descriptive data analysis. The experiences of the public schools teachers association, school heads, and teachers were given consolidated sources of information, improved monitoring skills and techniques, and motivation to do the task beyond the job description. The hindering factors were lack of time and resources, management of time, and lack of training. The facilitating factors were openness and willingness to learn, developing skills in monitoring and evaluation, and facilitating the submission of accurate data.

Keywords: Experiences, QATAME, School Personnel, Policy Recommendation


The Quality Assurance, Technical Assistance, and Monitoring and Evaluation (QATAME) subsystem monitors and evaluates the effectiveness of Learning and Development (L&D) programs as well as ensures compliance with quality standards. The subsystem covers processes for maintaining the efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability of the L&D system. It provides timely and supportive interventions toward continuous improvement in the implementation of the system (Unaenah, 2018).

Division Memorandum No. 275 s. 2017 recognized the importance of QATAME by every school personnel in ensuring quality in the delivery of DepEd training programs, understanding the relevance of competencies in programs, and demonstrating QATAME competencies for data gathering and analysis, providing feedback and results, and report preparation using QATAME processes and tools.

QATAME is a system that guarantees that the intended output of a particular deliverable will be of the desired quality and pays attention to each step of the assessment of the learning requirements to learning evaluation of the QATAME process and all of its subsystems. (L&D Manual, NEAP).

Under the monitoring, evaluating, and assessing regional learning outcomes as stipulated in Section 7, Item B.4 of the Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001 (Republic Act 9155), monitoring and evaluation of program delivery of regional learning development interventions is crucial for giving information about the advantages and disadvantages of the learning and development system in order to promote improvement and sustainability. This guarantees L&D operations' efficacy and efficiency.

According to DepEd Order No. 107, s. 2022, all School Division Offices are advised to complete the tool and thoroughly review the accompanying guidelines. Assigned school personnel as QATAME were advised to give general remarks, and observations will form an integral part of the feedback. This also serves as a support mechanism for regional school division offices and schools in serving all types of learners in primary education, geared towards continual improvement.

As a teacher, the researcher selected this research problem because there is a need to determine the experiences of school personnel assigned as Quality Assurance, Technical Assistance, and Monitoring and Evaluation (QATAME) at all levels of training. The results further served as the basis for policy recommendations in the Schools District of Banate during the school year 2022-2023.

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