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Simeon Balladares Memorial Elementary School


This qualitative research method using phenomenological research design aimed to formulate an inclusive education intervention program on the experiences of SPED graduates hired in public schools. A researcher-made interview guide was used to the 15 SPED graduates hired as regular teachers. The data gathering instruments was subjected to face and content validation by a panel of experts. Thematic analysis was utilized for descriptive data analysis. Based from the information gathered during the conduct of in-depth interview on the experiences of SPED graduates hired as regular teachers in public school, the following themes yielded were: Easy to handle learner’s behavior, challenging and inspiring, and Ddiscipline learners with diverse personality. On the hindering/challenges factors encountered as regular teacher in public school the following lack of experience and training, lack of funding and other resources and overcrowded classroom were revealed. As to facilitating factors/opportunities they experienced, responses were: creative and innovative, parental support and seek help from co-teachers.

Keywords: Experiences, Special Education Graduates, Regular Teachers, Public School


Background of the Study

The Department of Education (2020) inclusive education is the core principle of the K to 12 Basic Education Program of the Department of Education. This promotes Filipino's right to quality basic education.

This principle of inclusion promotes the institutional sensitivity and responsiveness nature, situation, and realities of our country’s learners and directs the Department to proactively address these through the curriculum and other interventions such as Multigrade Education Program and Special Education Program.

Special education program specifically aims to enhance access and upgrade the quality of SPED programs and services as well as to raise the efficiency education services directed towards all recognized SPED Centers for elementary and secondary schools with classes for learners with special needs. Through the program, support funds are provided to the field to ensure the inclusion of learners with special education needs into the school system by providing adequate and appropriate support mechanisms and accommodations that would cater to their unique conditions and needs (DepEd, 2020).

The development of the education system worldwide has strongly influenced the Philippine education system in line with the rapid pace and global development of the world today. This development is a positive change and challenge in education field.

Such changes and challenges were necessary to ensure good life quality and to benchmark the education accessibility and development in Philippines so that it can be improved and sustained to suit the people’s needs in the competitive era of modernization (Conrad & Brown, 2011).

The role of the teachers is asserted as an integral component in the fruition in Early Education (ECE). Consequently, they had further grounding in collaboration with peer teachers, teacher assistance teams, multi-disciplinary team and parents. Inversely, regular teachers asked training in instructional environment management, adaptive equipment, environmental adaptations, flexible working with individual children, collaboration with specialist teachers and content, process and assessment modification (Majoko, 2017).

Teacher preparation programs for inclusion inculcate in future teachers’ competencies and skills to meet the full range of needs among children (Cooper, Kurtts, Baber, & Vallecorsa, 2008).

On the other hand, regular teachers entail teaching to teachers and understanding of characteristics of various disabilities and a positive attitude in working with children with disabilities and their families and other stakeholders (Burstein et al., 2004).

Moreover, teacher concerns as barriers to inclusion are not widely examined in low-and middle-income countries.

In order to gain an accurate understanding of whether interventions can lead to inclusion in practice within these stings, their effectiveness must be tested on both teacher self-focused and other –focused concerns about inclusive education (Carew et al., 2013).

Today, the researcher further faced with difficult tasks of keeping her abreast including teacher’s preparedness on learners with diverse personality in a regular class.

The results of the study would be the basis for a policy recommendation in the Schools Division of Iloilo during the school year 2022-2023.

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