The Problem
This study attempted to describe the epistemological beliefs and academic performance on scientific knowledge test of Grade Eleven students of Taal Senior High school, Division of Batangas, during SY. 2017-2018. The Epistemological Belief Questionnaire were composed of four dimensions namely Source of Knowledge, Certainty of knowledge, Development of Knowledge and Justification of Knowing. These beliefs were analyzed and correlate to the performance of the respondents in Scientific Knowledge Test. The academic performance of the students were measured through DepEd Order Number 31.
Subjects and Procedures
This study involved 350 Grade Eleven students who were chosen at random sampling in the aforementioned school. The descriptive method of research was used in the study with the teacher-made Scientific Knowledge Test and Epistemological Belief Questionnaire develop by Conley et. Al. The mean, rank, percentage and Pearson-R were the instruments employed for the statistical analysis of data.
After conducting this study, the following findings were yielded.
1. Level of Academic Performance in Scientific Knowledge Test
1.1 Result of Scientific Knowledge Test on Source of Knowledge.
Out of 350 respondents, 144 respondents or 41 percent were categorized as in the Approaching Proficiency level of performance followed by 30 percent were those students with developing level of performance. There were 67 students or 19 percent of the total population were in the Proficient level. 31 students or 9 percent were considered as Beginning while there were only 2 students or 1% of the population considered as Advanced.
1.2 Result of Scientific Knowledge Test on Certainty of Knowledge.
Forty two percent of the 350 respondents categorized in the Approaching proficiency level of performance in the test followed by 30 percent who were in Developing level of performance. There were 15 percent of the students who were in the Proficient level, 12 percent in the Beginning level while there were only 2 students or 1 percent of the population considered in Advanced level of performance.
1.3 Result of Scientific Knowledge Test on Development of Knowledge.
Most or 36 percent of the respondents were under the Developing level of performance. Students who were in Approaching proficiency category ranked second. 18 percent had a Proficient level of performance. 16 percent were categorized in Beginning level of performance while there were only 1 percent or 4 students were considered Advanced in the level of performance.
1.4 Result of Scientific Knowledge Test on Justification of Knowing
Out of 350 respondents, 49 percent were considered in Approaching Proficiency level of performance followed by 30 percent of students in Developing level. Students who were in Proficient level of performance was represented by 14 percent while 6 percent were in Beginning level. Only 1 percent of the population considered Advanced in the level of performance.
2. Epistemological Beliefs of Students
2.1 Source of Knowledge Dimension
The data revealed that majority of the respondents disagreed on the questions on Source of Knowledge Dimension. The average weighted mean of source of knowledge was 2.3 on a four-point Likert scale. The result implies that respondents generally disagreed with the idea that source of knowledge came from books, teachers, internet and scientists but rather the source of knowledge is constructed by the knower in interaction with others. The result of descriptive statistics indicated that students had sophisticated or mature epistemological beliefs.
2.2 Certainty of Knowledge Dimension
The average weighted mean of 2.4 indicated majority of the respondents were disagreed on the content of Certainy of Knowledge dimension. As stated by Demir and Demirham (2008), the beliefs about Certainty of Knowledge range from a belief in a right or one answer to more than one answer to complex problems. Based from the questions, the respondents disagreed that the certainty of knowledge focuses in just one answer rather they believe that there were more than one answer to a complex problem.
2.3 Development of Knowledge Dimension
The average weighted mean of 2.5 with Disagree as verbal interpretation denoted that respondents had a negative perception on Development of Knowledge dimension. The respondents believe that the scientific thoughts and ideas in science may not always change and that science is not evolving and unchanging subject. The students were considered naïve learners.
2.4 Justification of Knowing Dimension
Respondents preferred to have an experiment rather than just focusing on theories of scientist. In terms of justifying knowledge, respondents agreed that ideas in science can come from their own questions and experiments as evidenced by the average weighted mean of 2.5. This indicated that the students have high sophisticated beliefs or they were considered mature learners.
3. Relationship of Four Dimensions of Epistemological Beliefs and Scientific Knowledge Test.
3.1 Source of Knowledge Dimension and Scientific Knowledge Test
There were significant relationship between the perception of students on source of knowledge dimension and their scientific knowledge test. The computed r- value was -0.8 indicated that there were negative correlation on two variables meaning those students who Strongly Disagreed and Disagree on content of Source of Knowledge dimension have higher test result compare to those students who answered Agree and Strongly Agree.
The computed p value is <.0001 therefore the null hypothesis was rejected. There were significant relationship between Source of Knowledge dimension and scientific knowledge test.
3.2 Certainty of Knowledge Dimension and Scientific Knowledge Test
There were significant relationship between the Certainty of Knowledge dimension and Scientific Knowledge Test. The computed p-value is <.0001 therefore the null hypothesis was rejected.
The computed r-value was -0.7 indicated that there were negative correlation between Certainty of Knowledge dimension and result of scientific knowledge test.
Majority of the students who Strongly Disagreed an Disagreed on the content of certainty of knowledge have higher test result on Scientific knowledge test compare to those students who answered Agree and Strongly Agree. The result implied that the students are mature learners.
3.3 Development of Knowledge Dimension and Scientific Knowledge Test
There were significant relationship between Development of Knowledge dimension and result of Scientific Knowledge test as shown in Table 12. The computed p-value is <.0001 therefore we rejected the null hypothesis. The computed r- value was 0.7 indicated that there were positive correlation between the two variable.
3.4 Justification of Knowing Dimension and Scientific Knowledge Test
There were significant relationship between the Justification of Knowing dimension and result of scientific Knowledge test.
The computed p-value is <.0001 therefore we rejected the null hypothesis. The r- value was 0.6 which indicated that there were positive correlation between the two variable. Meaning, those who have high scores in Scientific Knowledge test were those respondents who answered Agree and Strongly Disagree.
4. Student’s Experiential Learning Necessary for the Development of their Scientific Knowledge and Epistemological Beliefs.
Majority of the class did not experienced handling any apparatuses and equipment during their laboratory activities as evidenced by a weighted mean of 1. Taal Senior High School do not have a Science laboratory. Though they have materials and equipment, the students didn’t have a chance to use it because it was being delivered on the building of the school which is under construction and very far from the housing school. It was also reflected that the students didn’t experienced of having field visit or educational tour or even outdoor activities in which very important to the learning process.
Based on the findings, the following conclusions were drawn.
1. The level of student’s academic performance on Scientific Knowledge Test was Approaching Proficiency level in source of knowledge, certainty of knowledge and justification of knowing dimension while in development of knowledge dimension, students were in Developing level.
2. The learners manifested maturity on source of knowledge, certainty of knowledge and justification of knowing dimensions while naïve on the development of knowledge dimension of Epistemological Beliefs.
3. There is a significant relationship between the student’s epistemological beliefs and student’s performance on scientific knowledge test.
4. The students lacked experiential learning activities in school.
5. The experiential learning activities was proposed to help increase the academic performance of students in Science.
In the light of the findings and conclusions of the study, the following recommendations were hereby endorsed.
1. The Senior High school science teachers may conduct experiential learning activities for the pupils to increase the academic performance of students in Science.
2. Division Supervisor in Science and School Heads may approved the weekly or monthly educational tour or field visit on the area in line with the topics on curriculum guide.
3. Science educators should increase the chances of the effective implementation of the experiential learning activities by providing appropriate materials and realistic support from the government.
4. Science teachers can utilized the validated scientific knowledge test as an achievement test.
5. Similar study can be conducted to further validate the findings of the study.