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· Volume IV Issue III


This study investigates the development of Enhancement Reading Material for Grade 4 Learners utilizing the Metacognitive Approach. With the problem of students in reading, a study was conducted to see how metacognition works in reading. This study also investigated the development of enhancement Reading Material for Grade 4 Learners utilizing the Metacognitive Approach. This study has answered how enhancement reading material was developed. The experts have evaluated and assessed the material with respect to content, format and illustration, presentation and organization, and accuracy and up-to-datedness. It was evident on the data gathered that the performance of Grade 4 learners increased after being exposed to the material compared to their performance before. The experts have given suggestions and recommendations that led to the improvement of the developed enhancement reading materials utilizing metacognitive approach. Data and evidences showed that the developed enhancement reading material was constructed well and would be a big help for the learners, as reflected on the evaluation sheet and comments by the experts. With the rating 3.79 out of the score of 4, they gave their positive remarks and allowed it be used. The learners also showed significant improvement on the two tests given to them before and after exposure to the enhancement reading material. From the 23.29 mean, it went to up 32.87. This only means that they have gained improvement on their understanding of the key reading competencies for Grade 4 and managed self-regulation of their own learning. With the given data from the experts and the performance of the learners, the developed enhancement reading material for Grade 4 utilizing metacognitive approach is suitable for use. This is based on the experts’ assessment and evaluation, and the significant test scores taken by the learner-respondents.

Keywords: enhancement, metacognition, reading comprehension