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Progressive Elementary School


The aim of this study was to know the effectiveness of online teaching and learning as perceived by teachers in grade school as their chosen modality based on their submitted learning continuity plan. Using qualitative a descriptive phenomenological research design experiences of teachers in using online modality as teaching and learning platforms were highlighted. Respondents were three teachers from public elementary school and two teachers from private integrated school. Majority of the respondents concluded that online teaching help to ease teaching-learning process and assures a safer environment during this pandemic time. In this study also five major themes were developed Discipline and motivation in lesson engagement, Adjustments, Lack of Readiness and Preparation, Creativity and Enjoyment in the new normal, Dedication in Teachers’ Routine, and Innovations in Assessment and Instruction thru Trends in Technology Inclusion which explain the effectiveness of online teaching and learning process.

Keywords: Online Teaching, Learning Process, private and Public Schools



Embracing changes that the pandemic brought us are welcoming how we should start our lives in this new normal. We learn not because we needed to but because it is part of the adaptation process that everyone should experience. It has been a challenging world to everyone as how each day starts in facing a new life. Issues have been circulating everywhere regarding on how people might survive in this pandemic – a pandemic that killed so many lives all over the world. The start of 2020 from its first quarter up-to-date gave us uncertainties if we can still witness the beauty of the place we lived in. A million dollar question that cost so many lives and test our determination on how to survive.

“Education is the most powerful weapon which we can use to change the world”. This is one of the most powerful quotations delivered by Nelson Mandela which reminds us that we always have the power to change the world in any acts if there is an education. To be educated and being educated in this tough time that the world is facing is an achievement for survivors and dreamers who keeps in fighting for their goals. However, considering the situation especially platforms in learning will always be a challenge and a hindrance to someone who only affords limited means of education thru government support. How about the poorest of the poorest who only have enough and somehow less? How can education be an education by rights to them by this time? In this, we can see how the department or ministry of education together with the support from the administration works from time-to-time just to answer our needs to be educated. If we are going to deeply understand our own constitution, then, education is a legal right not a privilege. One of the major challenges that the Department of Education is facing nowadays is how to continuously sustain the quality education that we are aiming for our children. Due to the changes that COVID-19 pandemic brought to the world, education must be continued. Learning takes place as we believe that education is a right not a privilege. Hence, considering this situation, we believe that no one can stop in reaching every child’s dream.

Department of Education transitioned face-to-face learning in different learning modalities help the students and parents to choose the modality in their own convenience. Let us all remember that the only constant in this world is the word change. Hence, no matter how everything changes, we can still give the education needed by every Filipino in changing their lives. We work as one for the success of everybody and that how we see the changes that technology as a major platform in education can give us. Continuing to serve quality education in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic is one of the biggest defies that every ministry/department leader faces nowadays. Meanwhile, engaging in different innovations like technology integration in education is one of the major solution that we are looking as we seek for continuity in education. In education sector, the big question is how learning will go by this school year if the pandemic will continue. In the implementation of Resolution No. 35, s. 2020 released by the Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) which covers the implementation of the month-long lockdown from March 14 to April 14 in the entire Luzon, and the different classifications of community quarantine, unexpected changes happened in the entire country to our lives. This is to prevent the immediate spread of the global pandemic that hit the world including Asian countries. This pandemic brought changes in all aspects such as economy, transportation, health and even in education.

Considering the situation especially platforms in learning will always be a challenge and a hindrance to someone who only affords limited means of education thru government support. How about the poorest of the poorest who only have enough and somehow less? How can education be an education by rights to them by this time? Meanwhile, engaging in different innovations like technology integration and implementing distance learning thru modular- print and digitized modular in education are some solutions that we are looking as we seek for continuity in education. In education sector, the big question is how learning will go by this school year if the pandemic will continue. In pursuant to Section 3 of RA No. 7797- “, following the school calendar, which states that the school opening must be on the first Monday of June but not later than the last day of August. In response to continuity education amidst pandemic, the DepEd Central office released DepEd Order No. 12, s. 2020 on the 19th of June otherwise known as “Adoption of the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan for School Year 2020-2021 in Light of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency”. One of the main points of this order is the creation of the “Learning Resources and Platforms Committee” to ensure the appropriate learning resources of good quality are made available, and that necessary platforms of technologies (printed, digital, online, offline, television, and radio) are engaged or made available in timely and efficient manner. In this, the department assures that amidst pandemic, education continues. They prepared different modalities as a learning platform which will be stated in the Learning Continuity Plan (LCP) as a chosen modality both in public and private schools. In preparation, they also conducted surveys prepared by the central and division offices to every school involving parents and students as respondents in the learning modality they prefer. In this, their chosen school can prepare a better learning continuity plan which will be implemented throughout the school year.

According to Mobo, (2019), elaborated in their research paper which was about effectiveness of E-learning that majority of the respondents thinks that e-learning education is very good in terms of giving the students time to be flexible, allowing them to study and do other chores or even work. In addition, the platform itself is a well-designed and a user-friendly webpage which makes it easy to study and to answer online activities. Thus, this means that we need to consider internal and external factors when for its effectiveness.

As per DepEd Order No. 007, s. 2020 which was released on the 11th of May, entitled “School Calendar and Activities for School Year 2020-2021” the opening of classes for School year 2020-2021 must be on the 24th of August. This is in connection to the compliance of RA No. 7797. However, Due to the calls of the parents and even students in social media questioning the preparedness of the department on the opening of classes prior to the given date also considering different issues raised by the teachers and division offices specifically in rural areas, RA 11480 has been implemented. This was a newly-signed law that gives the president power to move the school opening past August due to calamities, upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Education. By this law, the president decided to move the opening of classes on the 5th of October. This will give an extension to the department to prepare the needed materials which will be using in the opening of classes prior to the given date and give training for teachers on how new normal in education must be done. As part of the changes, the Department released the amendment of DO. 007, s. 2020 which was the DepEd Order No. 030, s. 2020 which mandates the opening of classes on October 5 as part of the main changes in the school calendar. But due to the unexpected consecutive typhoons that beset our country just weeks ago, the Office Under Curriculum and Instruction headed Undersecetary Diosdado San Antonio released Memorandum OUCI-2020-307 which is also known as “Suggested Measures to Foster “Academic Ease” During the COVID-19 Pandemic” which stated that there is a need to calibrate the strategy assigning teaching responsibilities and learning activities to learners. This is to ensure flexibility in teaching and learning and reduces stress and burden to the multiple distance learning modalities. An adjusted date for every quarter in this school year was highlighted in this memorandum. The purpose of all of these adjustments is not only to ensure the presence of learning continuity but also to deliver quality education and consider teachers’ welfare amidst the global situation. Education during pandemic – as how we see it. Yet, honestly, it is a never-ending battle to humanity that deals on survival against the unseen enemy.

In the abrupt changes that this pandemic brought to us especially in our educational system, it is still a big question to all of us about the effectiveness of education continuity in this pandemic times. How can we assess that different learning platforms that the department prepared just to push this year’s academic year?

However, Daniel et. al, (2019) in their research study developing an e –learning framework emphasized that technology design should support the achievement of the aims and objectives of the instructor and the learning outcomes for learners. The current e-learning design is generally acceptable to respondents. The separate module for learning resources are helpful in organizing their files into folders. Furthermore, it gives on the importance on how technology design can be helpful on the online discussion and even in modular platform.

On the other hand, Neuman,, (2013) in their meta-analysis study about differences between traditional and distance education showed that strong positive trend indicating that DE is an effective form of instruction. This analysis demonstrates that students engaged in DE academically outperform their F2F counterparts. However, we are considering factors that can mostly affect learning activities.

Meanwhile, Langenhorst, (2011), stated in his study about the effectiveness of online instruction that online education at the high school level was equally as effective as face-to-face instruction because of effective teacher interaction and the design of effective instructional activities in both learning modes. On part of the teacher comparing the two modes of learning, learning activities, techniques, and design were used successfully regardless of the learning modes. Thus, as he mentioned, online students met the challenge to develop the independent learning skills required. Students who are doing face-to-face classes were not challenged in this way because of the unique nature that online learning follows.

Moreover, Bakia et. al. (2010), in their meta-analysis study about based practices in Online Learning found that, on average, students in online learning conditions performed modestly better than those receiving face-to-face instruction. The difference between student outcomes for online and face-to-face classes—measured as the difference between treatment and control means, divided by the pooled standard deviation—was larger in those studies contrasting conditions that blended elements of online and face-to-face instruction with conditions taught entirely face-to-face.

Furthermore, Nguyen, (2015), in his study about effectiveness of online learning observed that observed that about 92% of all distance and online education studies find that distance and online education is at least as effective, if not better, than traditional education. About 3% of the studies compiled by the site show the reverse, that traditional face-to-face format is more effective, and about 4% show mixed findings. In this, we can say that online learning platform as means of learning has always been effective to those areas who are implementing this ahead of others. Thus, the aim of this paper is to know the effectiveness on the implementation of online learning as part of the changes that the department of education adopted in response to the continuity of education despite pandemic.

As we face these struggles, we can always say to everyone that this is now the new normal and using online platform as means of education is what we needed just to continuously transmit learning and educate everyone especially young children about this new normal.

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