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· Volume IV Issue I


The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of cooperative learning strategy in teaching science in selected elementary schools in the Division of Santa Rosa City as basis for program improvement. Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions: 1) What is the extent effects of cooperative learning strategy in teaching Science subject of the following areas by selected variables: a) Laboratory activities, b) Indoor activities, and c) Outdoor activities. 2) Is there a significant difference between the perceive effects of cooperative learning strategy in teaching science subject by areas and the profile of the respondents? 3) What are the problems encountered during the cooperative work activity?

The method of the research used was descriptive utilizing questionnaires and the science teachers of the selected schools being the respondents. The data were evaluated using the Likert scale and were analyzed through mean, analysis of variance, t-test, and .05 was the selected level of significance.

Based on the findings, it was found out that all the selected elementary schools in the Division of Santa Rosa City assessed cooperative learning strategy as effective in teaching Science in terms of laboratory, indoor, and outdoor activities. The study even discovered that the teachers claimed cooperative learning strategy effective in teaching Science. It was also found out that there is no significant difference between the perceive effects of cooperative learning strategy in teaching science by areas of laboratory and outdoor activities and the profile of the respondents. However, in indoor activities, there is a significant difference on age and civil status of the respondents. It means, regardless of age and civil status of the respondents, cooperative learning strategy has a significant effect and is really practiced inside the classroom. Moreover, having a p-value greater than the level of significance of 5% in all the areas of laboratory, indoor and outdoor activities, the findings overall has no significant difference. Based on the mentioned-above findings of the study, the following conclusions are drawn: 1) That the teachers are sincere and accurate in their assessment of observance of cooperative learning in teaching Science, on as much as they are the one engaged in teaching. They are actually involved in cooperative learning, being the facilitator, overcoming the obstacles brought by the problems encountered in conducting cooperative learning. 2) That the respondents have the same goals working under one roof, the Department of Education, supporting its programs towards the attainment of desired quality learning. 3) That cooperative learning strategy is effective to pupils bringing them to a higher level thinking skills and develop their ability in social interaction.

This study provides evidence to prove that cooperative learning activities has an effective effect in teaching science in terms of laboratory, outdoor and indoor activities and hereby recommended the following: 1) Teachers should continue to attend the in-service trainings and services especially on modern technologies and professional forums relative to strategies on how to motivate pupils to work in teams, and techniques on how to arouse pupils to develop better study habits on Science for them to be effective and productive in teaching. 2) Since cooperative learning strategy is considered by the teachers, a learning kit for teachers should be designed to meet the learning competencies in teaching Science. 3) Consider other factors that would contribute in enhancing pupil’s performance such as: 3.1 Providing the pupils with sufficient and appropriate textbooks/references; 3.2 Providing challenging/meaningful/varied activities for the pupils; and 3.3 Making classrooms/laboratory conducive to learning. 4) Concerned school officials must consider the improvement program and be submissive for its immediate implementation.