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Noemi L. Berdan

The ECOSAVERS is an organization that create programs related to the Environment cascade by DepEd to the different schools. This program encourages every school both private and public to participate in saving the nature. The proposed activity is included in the submitted (AIP) Annual Implementation Plan for S.Y. 2018-2019.Ecosavers Organization focuses on maintaining our environment free from garbage, recycle the recyclable materials and turn into Christmas tree.


The “BECT or Best Eco-Christmas Tree” project is inclined to the motto of Ecosavers Organization, “Ecosavers Saves the Nature for a Better Future”. This will help our environment eliminate or reduce our garbage not only at home but in our school community as well. The project also will help the students showcase their talents & skill in arts & crafts. Most especially by transforming recyclable materials into a decorative Christmas décor for their recycled Christmas tree.