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· Volume IV Issue IV


This study aimed to develop project supplementary materials which will enhance students’ performance in learning Housekeeping. The descriptive method of research was used with the questionnaire as the main data gathering instrument. In addition, documentary analysis provided the data regarding the performance of the students. Respondents were 33 Grade 12 TVL students. Results of the study revealed that students had fairly satisfactory performance in Housekeeping. Results also showed that the learning competencies are very difficult for Grade 12 students agreed to the different attitudes toward Home Economics-Housekeeping that could affect their performance in the subject. In view of the findings, it was recommended that innovative and latest suplemmentary materials may be further explored and utilized in teaching to enhance students’performance in Home Economics-Housekeeping.Determining the attitude of students toward the subject should also take into consideration as a factor of students’performance.

Context and Rationale

Education is acknowledged as one of the best means of developing the nation’s human resources. People must be educated and trained in order to become effective, productive and skilled individual with desired values. Offering Technical and Vocational Livelihood Education is a response to the need of the community; this equips learners with knowledge and information, skills and process, right work values of vocational and technological efficiencies and life skills. San Nicolas Senior High schools offers Home Economics – Housekeeping education for TVL specialization. Its paramount role to everyone’s life is inevitable. In order to educate the 21st century learners, Home Economics teachers need to innovate and cultivate the learners’ interest in the material by showing how this knowledge applies in the real world. Their ultimate goal is to provide appropriate and effective instruction to students and in turn, promoting effective learning.

As postulated in the DepEd Order No. 39, s. 2012, Supplementary materials have to be made in order to address learning gaps. It is remediation aid for the students at the level of their understanding and thereby increasing their academic achievement. Research on the intervention among learners’ academic performance has for long received attention from scholars and educational agencies. For the Intervention Strategies for TLE Teachers, intervention has become an important way for teachers to ensure that all students succeed in today’s high stakes testing environment. Helping students who are struggling with the subject requires teachers to teachers to choose an appropriate time and strategy for the intervention. Without systematic approach, this can be a challenge for teachers who have multiple students in need of help. (Flores, 2015)

Thus, teachers, themselves, become the agents in combating these predicaments to achieve successful education process by devising and providing necessary materials that are suitable to students’ need. In Home Economics teaching, intervention materials are used as teaching aid and introduced into teaching methods to stimulate the activity of the students and thereby increasing their level of understanding. The use of these materials is important towards achieving the needed competencies of the students which they failed to achieve in regular classroom instruction. Productivity of teaching Home Economics will only be enhanced when there are available, sufficient and strategically designed instructional and intervention materials appropriate for the multitude of students, considering their learning styles, personality types and stress-coping mechanisms. It is imperative that Home Economics teachers have a holistic understanding of their learners to craft personalized instructional materials, thus addressing students’ individual needs to achieve comprehension in Home Economic. (Dacumos, 2015).

In Technical Vocational and Livelihood teaching, Project Supplementary Material (SM) is used as teaching aid and introduced into teaching methods to stimulate the activity of the students and thereby increasing their level of understanding. The use of these materials is important towards achieving the needed competencies of the students which they failed to achieve in regular classroom instruction. It also helps develop communicative/ speaking skills. (Ford, 2012).

Moreover, it explored student’s learning approach and investigated the effect of supplementary material-based instruction (SM-BI) on their performance in Technical Vocational and Livelihood. Using the pretest-posttest pre-experimental design, result showed that the use of SM-BI significantly enhanced the performance of the TVL students and the surface and deep learners performed in Housekeeping when SIMBI was integrated in their classes. They also concluded that the use of supplementary material is effective in mastering the competency based-skill. (Salvejo 2014)

In Technical Vocational and Livelihood teaching, the applied and visual natures helped students see the connections and importance of Housekeeping to their lives and their communities. Supplementary materials in learning Housekeeping reinforced the development of problem solving and critical thinking skills and highlight the knowledge skills and attitude/careers to society. However, teaching Technical Vocational and Livelihood lessons in San Nicolas National High School-Senior High School is a great challenge and needed lots of effort for the teachers. The access of student’s Learning Module and Learning Guide was limited and there was no module available for the students to help them in teaching-learning process as prescribed by the curriculum. Hence the researchers deemed it significant to conduct a study on this concern along with the aim of formulation of Project Supplementary Material that would help students to think critically and developed their higher order thinking skills.

Innovation, Intervention, Strategy

The target output of this study is to develop supplementary materials. Furthermore, the researcher used self-made questionnaire which includes the learning competencies that appears more difficult to the Housekeeping students. In addition, using the First Quarter Grade, the performance of the students in Housekeeping was also analyzed.

Based on the result of the study, different competencies which were found difficult was analyzed until the researchers came up with an appropriate corresponding supplementary materials taking into considerations its appearance, usability and contents suited to the needs of the TVL students.

Each supplementary material for each competencies has a short introduction, Important useful tips and activities are provided which learners will surely enjoy doing.

Students will be familiarized and become knowledgeable in the proper handling of guests, different housekeeping and front office forms, guests orientation on house rules and use of different amenities, demonstrating proper use of tools, materials and equipment according to their task requirement and gain deeper understanding of important terminologies used in housekeeping.

These supplementary materials are conceptualized and designed to aid the teacher provide the students the needed support to make progress in the study. Different activities provided will deepen the skills, knowledge and understanding of the learners in the difficult competencies identified. Allignment of activities with the tasks/objectives, keep the activities short and simple, provide a variety of activities so that learners can have enough practice in developing the skills and focus on the least mastered skills

Attitude of students to Home Economics is a critical component that is connected with their achievement. It can affect learning comprehensively. Interest and attitude in the subject are special predictors for students’ participation and success in the subject. Student attitudes toward the lessons greatly influence the performance of the students. This attitude affects their participation in the different activities. Positive attitude is very important for students’ achievement in TVL.

One of the innovations utilize in Housekeeping teaching was the localization and contextualization independently demonstrated understanding of providing effective housekeeping services to house guests. It actively engaged students, improved learning and skills development and encouraged them to make connection between the knowledge possessed by its application in their lives and in the commnuity.

As resources needed, an additional remedial and enrichment activities were also given to the students to improve their achievement and understanding of the different topics. It also helped students think individually, visualize how ideas are connected, how knowledge is organized and how the housekeeping services are prepared practically.

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