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· Volume II Issue III


Statement of the Problem

The main problem of this study is: How do selected determinants affect the academic performance of grade six pupils in the National Achievement Test (NAT) in Science in the second congressional district of Bataan during SY 2014 – 2015?

Specifically, the study sought answers to the following questions:

1. How may the following variables be described in terms of:

1.1 Pupil – related factors

1.1.1 Nutritional Status;

1.1.2 Socioeconomic Status and

1.1.3 Average Grade in Science, Mathematics and English

1.2 Teacher – related factors

1.2.1 Educational Qualification;

1.2.2 Relevant Trainings and

1.2.3 Performance Rating

1.3 School – related factors (Science Equipment)

1.3.1 Availability;

1.3.2 Usability;

1.3.3 Adequacy and

1.3.4 Administrator’s Support

2. What is the level of performance of the respondents in the National Achievement Test (NAT) in Science during SY 2014 – 2015?

3. How do pupils, teachers and school – related variables influence the academic performance in the NAT in Science?

4. Which among the variables taken singly or in combination, greatly influence the performance in the NAT in Science?

  1. What are the implications of the findings to educational management?

Hypothesis of the Study

This study tested the lone hypothesis that no relationship exists between the pupil, teacher and school – related factors and performance of Grade Six pupils in the National Achievement Test in Science.

Methods and Techniques of the Study

The study used the correlation research design because the research intended to investigate the predictive relationship between pupil, teacher, school related factors and the pupils’ academic performance in Science in the National Achievement Test. According to Wallen of (2012), correlation research describes an existing relationship between variables. The study used the quantitative approach because it was based on the variables measured with numbers and will be analyzed with statistical procedures.

Instrument of the Study

The researcher used checklist questionnaire in gathering data needed for Pupil – Related Factors, Survey and checklist questionnaire for Teachers and School - Related Factors. Questionnaires were used because they are the main method of data collection (Sarantakos, 2010).

The first part of the questionnaire is for Pupil – Related Factors adapted from the Department of Education (DepEd) and National Education Testing Research Center (NETRC)’s Examinees Descriptive Questionnaire (EDQ) which was given to the examinees of National Achievement Test (NAT). It is standardized questionnaire which was validated by the National Testing and Research Center (NETRC) and are given to the examinees of National Achievement Test (NAT) yearly before the school year ends. This part was modified by the researcher to include more of pupils’ information such as nutritional status, socioeconomic status and average grade in English, Mathematics and Science.

The questionnaire for Teacher - Related Factors considered the educational qualification, relevant trainings and performance ratings of Science teachers. It was a survey questionnaire made by the researcher, which was validated before it was used.

The questionnaire for School – Related Factors was adapted from the study of Sanchez (2007) entitled “Effectiveness of the National Science Teaching Instrumentation Center (NSTIC) Equipment in Teaching Science Subject.” It was validated and used on his study. However, this part was modified by the researcher that included the availability, usability and adequacy of the prescribed Science equipment/instructional materials for public elementary schools per DepEd Order No. 118, s. 2009.

And the last part of the questionnaire was about Administrator’s Support in Science subject in their respective schools which was also prepared by the researcher. This was validated and given as dry – run to the schools not included in the study in the town of Mariveles and proper corrections were done before it was finally utilized.

Summary of Findings

Generally in Pupil – related factors, the majority of the nutritional status were normal seeing the highest percentage of 91.2% or three hundred twenty – two (322) respondents; seventeen (17) or 4.8% were below normal; and fourteen (14) or 4% were above normal. In view of economic status, family income ranged from P10,000 and below with highest percentage of 44.8% or one hundred fifty – eight (158) of the respondents; and family income ranged from P41,000 and above had 3.7% that was considered as the lowest percentage of economic status. As regards to average of pupils; English got the highest mean of 86.92; science and mathematics had the means of 86.51 and 86.45 respectively.

Extensively, the educational attainment in teacher – related factors, bachelor degree holder got the highest percentage of 75.76% or twenty – five (25) respondents; while 15.15% or five (5) of the respondents were master’s degree holder; and three (3) of them fell in other/courses related to teaching with the percentage of 9.08. Relevant trainings attended by science teachers generally ranged from 4 – 6 and 0 – 3 with the same percentage of 42.42 or both fourteen (14) of the respondents. Only five (5) or 15.15% of the respondents attended seven (7) and above relevant trainings in Science. The performance rating of the teacher – respondents were frequently acquired very satisfactory rating with 90.91% or thirty (30) respondents, outstanding and satisfactory were 6.06% and 3.03% respectively.

As to the availability of science equipment, the mean of 2.91 or 34% - 66% of the science equipment were available. With respect to the usability of science equipment, the 2.97 mean was achieved or 34% - 66% of use the science equipment. Adequacy of science equipment revealed the highest mean of 3.15 or 34 – 66% of the science equipment were adequate.

In view of administrator’s support, school administrators or principals were seen to be supportive in terms of giving recognition or rewards when teachers received difficult tasks or won a contest as a teacher – coach with the highest mean of 3.94; and seen to be weak in providing learning area exclusive for science education with the lowest mean of 3.61.

Moreover, the level of performance of the respondents in the National Achievement Test (NAT) in Science during SY 2014 – 2015 was 66.14 as the general average which interpreted as below standard.

Hence, the relationship between pupils, teachers and school – related variables on the performance in the NAT in Science were based on the findings. It was found out that pupil – related variables; nutritional and economic status, average grade in Mathematics and Science showed no significant relationship to the pupils’ NAT performance in Science. However, average grade in English showed significant relationship to NAT performance in Science. In teacher –related variables, findings showed: educational qualification and performance rating of teachers had no significant relationship to pupils’ NAT performance in Science. Nevertheless, relevant trainings in Science appeared to have significant relationship in Science and consequently have significant relationship to NAT performance in Science.

Among the variables, adequacy of science equipment was seen to be the best determinant that greatly influenced the performance in Science in the NAT. Consequently, the combination of adequacy of science equipment, relevant trainings of teachers and the average grade of pupils in English were the best determinants that greatly influenced the performance of the pupils in Science in the NAT.

Findings of this study suggested that adequacy of science equipment played important role in the quality of learning science and found to be the best determinant of the pupils’ performance in the NAT in Science. It is said to be the primary way/technique for promoting students’ understanding, thereby enhancing desired learning outcomes from the pupils/students.


The findings supported the lone hypothesis that no relationship exists between the pupil, teacher and school - related factors and performance of Grade six pupils in the National Achievement Test in Science. These conclusions were partially upheld since there were variables found to be significant and some of the variables were not significant.

  1. In relation to the following variables:

1.1 Pupil – Related Factors

1.1.1 Majority of the pupils had normal nutritional status. This is attributed to the awareness of the parents in giving and serving their children of nutritious meal. The second congressional district of Bataan is rich in agricultural and aquatic resources, which are the good source of nutritious foods.

1.1.2 The monthly salary observed range is P10,000 and below. This implies that most of the families are earning below minimum salaries.

1.1.3 The average grade of pupils in English had the highest mean that connotes the low reading and comprehension skills of the pupils can be attributed to the language used by the Science teacher in their classes. Instead of using English in teaching Science the teachers used Filipino.

1.2 Teacher – Related factors

1.2.1 Greater number of the respondents are Bachelor degree holders. This denotes that science teachers are contented on their Bachelor’s degree.

1.2.2 Large number of science teachers are not sent or are not able to attend relevant trainings in science.

1.2.3 Results show that majority of the teacher - respondents obtained very satisfactory rating. It implies that teachers are considered as persons who are responsible and they perform their job very satisfactorily.

1.3 School – Related Factors

1.3.1 Availability of science equipment was observed at 34% - 66% Descriptive Rating (DR). Result implied that only few science equipment were available in many schools.

1.3.2 The usability of science equipment was also noticed at 34% - 66% Descriptive Rating (DR). It showed that pupils seldom use Science equipment in the science laboratories in different schools.

1.3.3 Based on the result of the study, the adequacy of the science equipment was also at 34% - 66% Descriptive Rating (DR). It was noticed that there was inconsequential adequate science equipment in school.

1.3.4 Result showed that teachers admitted that their school administrators lack support in terms of science programs and projects.

Briefly, the conclusion of this research shall be:

Not all the items included in the pupil, teacher and school – related factors have significant relationship in the academic performance of Grade Six pupils in Science in the National Achievement Test, SY 2014 – 2015. Only high grade in English, relevant trainings in Science and adequacy of Science equipment are the determinants to achieve high Science academic performance of Grade Six pupils in the NAT.


In light of the findings and conclusions obtained from the study, the following are recommended:

  1. The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Project regarding the “Pamilyang Pilipino Pantawid Program (4 P’s)” should be requested to be continued so that poor families shall be used solemnly in education to be accorded quality education.
  2. All Science teachers should be allowed/given extensive and comprehensive trainings in Science by all school administrators.
  3. Adequacy of materials and science equipment should be used frequently by the pupils and science laboratories should be provided if there are none in some public schools.
  4. English should be taught thoroughly and teachers should be dedicated and committed in teaching it.
  5. Special Science Classes (SSC) in the elementary level should be increased and be requested by the administrators to be given budget by the proper authorities just like in the public high schools.
  6. Other researchers can duplicate this study using all learning areas except Science.