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· Volume III Issue III


After the Second World War, Dengue has become a global problem and seems to be common in more than 110 countries, mainly in Asia and South America. Earliest outbreak reports date from 1779. It's been recognized by the early 20th century that its viral causes and spread were. Apart from eliminating the mosquito, work is going on medications directly targeted at the virus. It is described as having been neglected.

This study is designed to determine the dengue case and extent of prevention and challenge in Natipuan Nasugbu Batangas. A descriptive method of research was used with through questionnaire as the main data-gathering instrument. The analysis respondents addressed a total of 38 (38) respondents. The data in this study is limited to the participants 'response and the data recovered. 

Based on the study, the following findings are discovered: majority of the respondents are between 15-21 years of age; female respondents are dominant than male. High school undergraduate with pregnancy of sixteen (16) got the majority of respondents with regards to each educational attainment while in economic status, majority has an income of 10,001- 20,000 pesos.

With regards to the extent of incidence of dengue case in terms of condition of dengue patients, patients with sudden high fever got the great extent. In the aspect of extent of incidence of dengue cases in terms of criteria of the prognosis, there is a very great extent with composite mean of 3.25(SD=1.004) that dengue patients are treated by the doctors.

Cleaning the yard must always be done as a preventive measure that are applied to dengue disease. Challenge experienced by the respondents regarding dengue cases such as attitude of residents towards keeping a clean environment got the most favorable response to the respondents with verbal interpretation and agree.

The significant difference in the extent of the incidence of dengue cases when profile is considered null hypothesis with p-value of 0.000.