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· Volume II Issue III


Teachers’ attendance is vital in student learning. In fact, several national and international researches have been made on the reasons and effects of absenteeism and tardiness. The researchers conducted this study to identify the causes of tardiness and absenteeism among faculty members of an aeronautical school for a basis for attendance policy implementation. The research input came from the profile of the faculty, the causes of tardiness and absenteeism among faculty members, and recommended solutions to minimize the tardiness and absenteeism of the teachers. This study made use of the descriptive method of research wherein survey questionnaires were used to gather data needed from the respondents. The data gathered in this study were statistically treated using the statistical tools such as frequency, percentage, and ranking. The factors that greatly contributed to increase the rate of tardiness of the faculty are: The faculty’s first subject is 7:00 AM until 6:00 - 9:00 PM. The next day, work starts at 7:00 AM again and the time of the biometrics in every floor is different (not synchronized). The factors that greatly contributed to increase the rate of absenteeism of the faculty are: lack of internal motivation (career growth) and financial problem. The recommendations are: For the school’s administration, to manage the tardiness of the faculty, To manage the absenteeism of the faculty, consult financial experts to help the faculty in managing their financial resources; support the credit cooperative more by providing financial assistance, reevaluate the Training Needs Analysis of the faculty; tap the health services department to create different health and wellness programs, review and enhance the criterion in hourly rate scheme of the faculty. In relation to the suggestions to minimize the tardiness/absenteeism of the faculty, it is highly recommended to create a quality assurance department. For the faculty members, it is recommended to prepare and follow strictly a weekly or monthly planner to accomplish all teaching and paper works; be updated about the annual operations plan of the college; consult financial experts or read books to learn new ways of financial management.


Teachers’ attendance is vital in student learning. Several researches have been made on the reasons and effects of absenteeism and tardiness. Constant reasons include sickness and other official duties. These researches have also been guides in drafting and implementing policies to prevent absences and tardiness. Rogers and Vegas (2009) focused on reducing absences and providing incentives for better performance based on 6 developing countries. There may be two reasons for teacher absence. First, the cost of absence is not that much. Second is poverty. The government either may not be able to pay teachers on time or they pay inadequately which leads teachers to look for jobs outside the school. Evidence shows that higher absences lead to lower student learning as substitute teachers are not also available. It was stated in their research that identifying who is the most absent and when is a good method. However, this method varies from country to country with constant monitoring of attendance. In India, by camera monitoring, it was seen that teachers eligible for bonuses have less absences. This led to the increase of student learning. Research shows that monetary incentives affect the behavior and attendance of teachers. To prevent this, administrators may motivate teachers internally and remind teachers of their opportunity to teach children, recognize teachers, offer stable jobs with pensions and other benefits, and open opportunities for professional growth. In Centro Escolar University, to inspire and motivate the teaching and non-teaching departments they are holding the Annual Quality Awards. The university recognizes individual or group of individuals who exemplify distinct attributes and deliver excellent quality service like Teacher of the Year Award, Non-Teaching Employees (Non-Supervisory and Supervisory Category); Best Research, Attendance and Punctuality Award, 7S Model Student Council Work Area, 7S Model Work Areas (Small and Large Areas) CEU Star Award and Best Quality Circle. The award begun in 2003 to promote and sustain the continuous quality improvements of their ISO Certification, Philippine Quality Awards - Proficiency in Quality Management; Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities Commission on Accreditation (PACUCOA) Level IV status; and lastly ASEAN University Network-Quality Assurance Accreditation (AUN-QA). (

In addition, The District Management Council (2004) listed factors to consider when implementing an attendance program: review board policy, appoint an attendance improvement coordinator, construct attendance guidelines, buyback of unused sick leave, develop an attendance recognition plan, discuss sick leave use and abuse with employees, improve work conditions, provide an incentive for experienced teachers who volunteer for assignments in failing schools, and hold administrators accountable for administering policies and site administrators for any abuse of the policies. It might also help reduce teachers’ absences if the unused sick leave are converted into retirement benefits, cash, or health insurance benefits.

Far Eastern University set a criteria on Perfect Attendance award to motivate faculty members to report regularly in school: All Associates are eligible for this award (except Part-Time Faculty Members); No tardiness for the entire term including term break (from day one of classes up to the day before the succeeding term); No sick leave; No undertime; Associates on flexi-time are automatically disqualified; Availed vacation leave, with pay, must be within the approved schedule of vacation leaves; The recipient of the Perfect Attendance Award shall be given One Thousand Pesos (P1, 000.00) and a certificate; The recipient of the Consistent Perfect Attendance Award shall be given a cash incentive of Three Thousand Pesos (P3,000.00) each and a certificate (one year) (Administrative Manual of FEU East Asia College 2009).

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