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Charline C. Malabanan; John Patrick C. Moreland; Leinard M. Chico

· Volume IV Issue IV


Sanitation is essential to every facility in businesses, in chicken farming business is more so. Large scale chicken farmers tend to clean the facilities every harvest which is once a month. This makes the waste ferment which worsen the smell. These farms are following the distance law from residential areas but the effect of cleaning the facilities once a month is felt by the neighboring residential houses. The capstone project aims to limit this by having an automated collection of chicken fecal matter that delivers it to a waste bin for storage before disposal; a conveyor belt is placed under chicken cages that is run after every feeding time which fixes the main part of the problem. Using the engineering design process, the project developers determined steps and goals that needs to be accomplished such as solutions and/or improvements for current technologies’ shortcoming. Implementing foreign and local researcher’s ideas into the capstone project improves the quality of life for the user such as having a notification reminder that the feeds are empty or a refill for certain liquids are needed. Developers of the project was able to determine that everyday feces cleaning and disinfecting does improve the foul odor associated with chicken fecal matter. The developers also improved the current feeding system to reduce food waste.