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Community School of Excellence (Minnesota, USA)


The crucial support and resources that special education offers to children with special needs are it a significant area. The performance of these pupils is significantly influenced by the instructional competency of their special education teachers, since highly competent teachers are better able to address the individual requirements of their students and to promote their learning and development. The method used in the study is like Chen and Liu (2019) study which used a survey design to examine the impact of teacher training programs on the instructional competency of special education teachers in Taiwan and the questionnaire survey is from Li and Zhang (2021) study. Among the 50 respondents, 26 (52%) of which are the school heads, 13 (26%) being SPED or receiving teachers, and 2 (4%) being master teachers. majority of them were school heads (52%) and master’s degree holders (52%) as shown in Table 2. A significant portion of the respondents also had teaching experience ranging from 11 to 15 years (20%) and 16 to 20 years (36%). Meanwhile, 14% of the respondents had 6 to 10 years of teaching experience. In terms of educational attainment, the majority of the respondents held a master’s degree (52%) followed by those with master’s degree units (22%). Seven percent of the respondents held a bachelor’s degree, while 2% held a doctoral degree. The teacher imposes discipline to fix incorrect behavior of the learners with disabilities inside the classroom, had a mean of 3.35 for SPED teachers, indicating a moderate level of competency. The mean for receiving teachers was 2.73, also indicating a moderate level of competency. The mean for master teachers was 5.00, which indicates a high level of competency. The composite mean for all respondents was 3.14, which indicates a moderate level of competency. The overall mean for SPED teachers was 3.022, which indicates that they moderately encountered challenges in terms of classroom management. The results of the survey on instructional competency of SPED teachers in terms of mastery of the subject taught revealed that all three groups (SPED teachers, receiving teachers, and master teachers) moderately encountered challenges in various aspects of their teaching practice The use of a multiple-scenario approach to developing lesson plans ranked 7th, with a composite mean of 3.02, indicating that it is moderately encountered by all teacher groups. This approach allows teachers to prepare for various learning situations and adjust their plans, accordingly, leading to more effective instruction The research indicators, in Table 7, considered in this study include conducting technical feasibility studies and action research, undertaking feasibility studies on the utilization of indigenous materials for instruction, establishing linkages at local, national, and international levels for support and assistance, creating and developing conducive and well-equipped workplaces, generating income from various sources, and utilizing research outputs as inputs for institutional development. The results of the survey for instructional competency of SPED Teachers in terms of Extension Projects reveal interesting insights into the various indicators of their involvement in community-based initiatives. In this discussion, item-by-item results of each indicator were analyzed, interpreted their significance, and provided in-text citations connected with related studies from the last five years, (2016-2022). The survey results regarding the instructional competency of SPED Teachers in terms of Extension Projects provide valuable insights into their involvement in community-based initiatives. The findings suggest that teachers moderately encounter opportunities to support educational fundraising programs, participate in community activities for children with special needs, design short term technical training programs, conduct community immersion programs using mobile technology, encourage students to promote livelihood projects, and support risk reduction management programs. The mean rank of different types of respondents in different categories of teacher competency. The categories include Classroom Management, Teachers/Faculty Qualification and experience, Mastery of Subject Taught, Method,

Technique and Strategy used in Teaching, research, and Extension Project was analyzed through Kruskal-Wallis H test. The results of the best showed that there was no significant difference between the groups in their perceptions of classroom Management (H = 1.448, p = .485), Teachers/Faculty Qualification and Experience (H = 2.655, p = .265), Mastery of Subject Taught (H = .311, p = .856), and Extension Project (H = .604 = .739). However, there was a significant difference between the groups in their perceptions of method, Technique, and Strategy used in Teaching (H = 5.388, p = .068) and Research (H = 2.555, p = .279). These findings are in line with other investigations on the influence of teacher training and experience on opinions of instructional approaches. The Teachers in Valenzuela SPED Center have a moderate level of competency in several areas of instructional practice which is supported by the mean scores of the participants in the areas of differentiated instruction, assessment and evaluation, classroom management, collaboration and communication, and managing limited resources. Moreover. Special Education teachers, Receiving teachers, and Master teachers moderately encountered challenges in terms of classroom management, with SPED teachers encountering the most challenges and master teachers encountering the least. Furthermore, SPED teachers, receiving teachers, and master teachers moderately encounter various instructional competencies related to their qualifications and experience, thus, this highlights the importance of ongoing professional development and support to ensure that special education professionals are well-equipped to meet the diverse needs of their students.

Keywords: Special Education, Teacher’s Competency, ANOVA, Faculty Development



The crucial support and resources that special education offers to children with special needs make it a significant area. The performance of these pupils is significantly influenced by the instructional competency of their special education teachers, since highly competent teachers are better able to address the individual requirements of their students and to promote their learning and development. Instructional competency in special education is crucial to comprehend the causes of it and how it may be enhanced. Examining the instructional competency of special education teachers in terms of classroom management, faculty training and experience, subject matter expertise, approach and strategy used when instructing instructional methodologies, and research and extension projects are the main objectives of this study. The goal of the study was to pinpoint the areas in which special education teachers need to improve or pursue further professional development, as well as their strengths and shortcomings in these areas.

There is growing concern that many special education teachers lack the knowledge, abilities, and attitudes required to fulfill the needs of their pupils, despite the crucial relevance of instructional competency in special education. In inclusive classrooms where they are tasked with helping children with a wide range of skills and needs, research has revealed that many special education teachers struggle with classroom management. Additionally, a lot of special education teachers lack the knowledge and training necessary to meet the needs of students with special needs through differentiated instruction and evidence- based practices. Furthermore, due to the increasing demand for special education teachers, there is a significant lack of trained teachers in many schools and districts. Due to this scarcity, a lot of special education teachers are not completely equipped to meet the requirements of their pupils and may not have the relevant training, expertise, or experience to assist their learning and growth. Given these difficulties, it is imperative to evaluate special education teachers' instructional ability and pinpoint the contributing elements. This knowledge will be helpful in creating methods that will increase the instructional proficiency of special education teachers and guarantee that children with special needs receive the excellent instruction and assistance they require to achieve.

Thus, the study aimed to examine the instructional ability of special education teachers and its influence on student learning outcomes, is topical and important given these worries. The research significantly advanced the area of special education by offering a thorough analysis of this crucial topic and by assisting in the formulation of practical plans for raising the instructional proficiency of special education teacher provides a framework for investigating the important elements that go into the instructional competency of special education teachers and their effects on student learning outcomes in the setting of special education.

The purpose of this study was to assess the instructional competency of special education teachers and to use the findings as a basis for the development of a professional training plan. The study aimed to gather information on the instructional competency of special education teachers in terms of their classroom management, mastery of the subject taught, instructional methodologies, and other related factors. The study also sought to identify any problems encountered by the special education teachers in their work to suggest development of an effective professional training plan to improve their instructional competency. By conducting this study, valuable insights into the instructional competency of special education teachers were obtained, and programs can be developed to support their professional growth and development. Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions: 1). What is the instructional competency of SPED teachers in terms of Classroom Management, Faculty Qualification and Experience, Mastery of the Subject Taught,

Method and Strategy used in Teaching Instructional Methodologies and Research and Development;

2) Is there a significant difference among the teachers’ instructional competency in Valenzuela SPED Center ?; 3) What are the problems encountered by the SPED teachers in teaching?; 4). Based on the results of the study, what does the researcher recommend ?; and 5). How acceptable is the proposed professional training plan as assessed by the respondents?

This study aimed to investigate the instructional competency of special education teachers and the problems they encountered in their work. The limitations of the study included the small sample size, 50 participants, which may not be representative of the entire population of special education teachers.

The data were collected through a written survey questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics which may have limited depth of the data collected and could have resulted in biased responses due to social desirability or self-presentation. However, it did not cover other factors that may affect the instructional competency of special education teachers such as their personal characteristics, work environment, or support from the school administration. Despite these limitations, the study provided valuable insights into the instructional competency of special education teachers and the problems they encountered in their work. This study can inform the development of interventions and programs to improve the instructional competency of special education teachers and can serve as a reference for future research in the field of special education. This study is to impact various stakeholders in the field of special education and may be used by school heads to guide decision- making processes about the creation of professional development.

This may result in a rise in the general standard of special education students' education and improve the school's standing. The research may be used as a tool for introspection and career development of Special Education Teachers and for them to create goals for their professional growth. The study can help special education teachers, receiving teachers, understand the difficulties they experience and explain how to support and collaborate with them. The collaboration and coordination between special education teachers and receiving teachers may improve as a result. Special Education Learners. The findings may help special education teachers become more effective educators and improve their students' educational experiences.. The research can help parents make decisions about their children's education and offer useful information concerning the caliber of education their children are receiving.

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