The study surveyed the involvement of parents in the School - Based Feeding Program (SBFP) of San Agustin Integrated School, Ibaan District for SY- 2018-2019. The data for this study were limited from a sample of 40 parents whose child/children are SBFP beneficiaries for S.Y. 2018-2019.
The descriptive - survey method was used in the study. Researcher-made questionnaire was the main instrument used in the data gathering. As for the ethical consideration, letter which was signed/ endorsed by the Principal was given to each parent-respondent for their time and availability in answering the questionnaire. Then, the questionnaire was distributed during the Parent Assembly. Confidentiality of the results was observed so as not to build distrust. Statistical tools such as frequency, percentage and mean were used to analyze and interpret the data.
The research’s instrument was divided into four parts. Part I dealt with the awareness of the parents regarding the feeding program of the school. The result shows that majority of the respondents have high level of awareness regarding the School Based Feeding Program of San Agustin Integrated School as evident by the average weighted mean of 3.66 which is verbally interpreted as highly aware. It might be a good indicator that the community is aware regarding the programs and projects of the school. Yet, it should be noted that mere awareness as far different from involvement and support. One might know the existence of SBFP yet s/he might not be involved in it. The second part discussed the types of involvement of parents in SBFP. The data showed an average weighted mean of 2.25 and verbally interpreted as Very Seldom. The third part revealed the perceived hindrances of parental involvement in SBFP. It garnered an average weighted mean of 2.23 and verbally interpreted as disagree. Fourth part of the questionnaire dealt on the perceived effects of SBFP. The data showed an average weighted mean of 3.65 and has a verbal interpretation of Absolutely Agree.
The findings from this study led to the following conclusions:
(1) Parents have high level of awareness yet it should be noted that awareness is not enough; what is needed is involvement and participation.
(2). Respondents need to be engaged more in the SBFP of the school since they participated very seldom in different activities involved in SBFP.
(3) Means or strategies to make parents who are mostly working should be established so they will be somehow involved especially as parent-volunteers during cooking of foods.
After careful analyses of the results and findings, a proposed action plan was formulated. Based on the foregoing findings and conclusions, the researcher recommends the introduction of PROJECT KAIN ( Katulong at kaagapay Ang magulang sa Inaasam na tamang Nutrisyon in order to strengthen the partnership with parent-volunteers through their active involvement and participation in the implementation of the SBFP in San Agustin Integrated School.