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Division of Cagayan de Oro City

· Volume V Issue III


Mathematics in elementary education helps learners develop creativity and the ability to think, communicate and solve problems. This study was conducted to determine the level of mathematics skills among Grade 6 learners in Southwest II District, Division of Cagayan de Oro City, S.Y. 2022- 2023. Specifically, this paper sought to identify the characteristics of the learners, find their level of mathematics skills among Grade 6 pupils, and determine the significant relationship between the learners’ mathematics skills and each of characteristics. The respondents to the study were the one hundred fifty (150) Grade 6 learners in the elementary schools where this study was conducted. The instrument was the mathematics learning summative test on whole numbers, fractions, decimals, ratio, and proportion. This was patterned and modified from Grade 6 self- learning modules. Descriptive statistics such as frequency, mean and standard deviation were used to describe the variables in the study. Further, the Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient(r) was employed to determine the significant relationship between the learner’s mathematics skills and their characteristics.

The findings revealed that learner characteristics indicate Beginning performance level, which impacts the assessment of Mathematics literacy. The content whole numbers, in particular, obtained the highest overall mean, indicating that learners had formerly learned the content and held the capabilities reflected in the overall number for this area. Still, the fraction got the smallest mean standing, indicating that learners found the content delicate and that they were unfit to acquire the capabilities under this content. The Grade 6 learners showed developing in the area of whole numbers, as they set it up easy to perform during the first and alternate diggings of the academy time. Parents' follow-up played a significant role in pupils' growth and helped to enhance pupil performance in the classroom. Learners felt more driven to learn and help to improve their grades. Study habits significantly had an impact on the test results and the academic performance of learners. It is recommended that teachers must give remediation to the learners, emphasizing the content of fractions. Above all, learning Mathematics may be empowering when learners are immersed in real- world events - problems and linked to their day-to-day life.

Keywords: Assessment of Mathematics Skills



In the elementary school curriculum, Mathematics is one of the disciplines that is given with emphasis. The subject matter covered in class and how it's presented are a direct result of how learners’ attitudes regarding the subject gradually change over time, how society's requirements change and grow, and what literacy experimenters have discovered. At the moment, learners must acquire a wide variety of proficiency and generalities, including problem-solving, fractions, numbers, ratio, proportions, and other topics. They must also comprehend whole figures and their introductory operations. It is pivotal that learners are prepared with the fundamentals, especially on the five topics—whole numbers, decimals, fractions, ratio and proportion—which are the core focus of the four introductory operations. As a result, they must do their part to make Mathematics learning productive. For it is only through number proficiency that one can defy the complexity of today's society.

This study looked into the Mathematics skills among sixth-graders and identified the variables that affect mathematics skills. Understanding how Grade 6 learners perform and what factors contribute to their success or difficulty in the subject is crucial since mathematics education is crucial for developing fundamental cognitive and problem-solving skills. In order to offer helpful insights for improving mathematics education at this vital period of learning, the study will evaluate a variety of topics, including learners’ cultural orientation, parents’ follow-up, and study habits toward Mathematics.

In accordance with DepEd Order No. 55 series of 2016, Policy Guidelines for the National Assessment of Student Learning for the K to 12 Basic Education Program, the Department of Education seeks to develop numeracy learners who can apply numeracy expertise for a variety of purposes through assessment, which is used to quantify judgments on learners' academic performance. To negotiate this, critical thinking and problem-solving must be emphasized in both Mathematics instruction and the design of assessment tools. Because numeracy proficiency is the foundation for learning all fine capabilities across grade levels, determining how important it is to learners is critical.

According to Blömeke and Delaney (2017), problems with Mathematics achievement persist not only in the Philippines but also in other countries. In the Philippine environment, educational modules in this order contain specific content and educational plan norms to enable understudies to produce the harmonious and numerical capacities needed to grasp introductory fine generalities. Still, low performance in this discipline persists.

The learners’ performance in elementary Mathematics in the Division of Cagayan de Oro City requires enhancement. The result of the assessment is an index of the kind of medication we were making for learners to compete in global competition. Mathematical capability is in high demand currently, as it is a prerequisite for advancement. A strong grasp of fine proficiency will contribute to the development of man's awareness of possible remedies for issues that learners will face in day-to-day relationships and in the future. With this, the researcher is motivated to look into and find a solution to the foregoing difficulty. In agreement with the study, regular evaluation is essential to excellent tutoring since it helps preceptors prepare for fresh literacy and provides information about their learners' progress. To reach their maximum eventuality, learners must have their calculation problems linked as soon as possible.

Assessment should be viewed as a good experience that will help pupils during their posterior literacy rather than a bad one. Also, it gives learners the unequivocal and formative review they need to share laboriously in their continuing education (National Council for Curriculum and Assessment, 2015). It is on this basis that this study is conducted in Southwest II District, Cagayan de Oro City, where the learners' maturity is indigenous. The study aims to determine the assessment position of Mathematics learning among Grade VI learners. The idea is to make it possible for all learners, especially those from remote and distant barangays, both relatives and learners of all socioeconomic statuses, to grasp and admire Mathematics so they may use it in everyday life. In the midst of the epidemic, it used the tone-learning modules as the scholars' primary literacy resource.

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